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The Kids Can Play

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Everything posted by The Kids Can Play

  1. Today Sunday 7/23/2023 is the one year anniversary of the "Fire Hahn" thread! And still going strong! ?
  2. In the 122 year history of the Chicago White Sox franchise, the Sox have lost 95 games or more 10 times. They have also lost 100 games or more 4 times. Well it looks like 95 losses is clearly in range and 100 is a possibility Current record 41-59 .410 Finish season 26-36 .419 Final record 67-95 .413 To achieve the club's 5th 100 loss season, the Sox need to finish 21-41 .338 You may say 100 losses is ridiculous and impossible. However keep in mind, if the Sox trade off several players as expected before the trade deadline, then replace them with players from one of the worst AAA or AA teams in baseball, then 100 losses is definitely a possibility.
  3. However it was appropriate for Shaw and the good news is, there are plenty of garbage pitchers like Shaw's left in the minors to bring up. So yes, the Sox farm system of garbage in, garbage out will continue.
  4. Bill Veeck deserved the HOF and its just too bad he wasn't a super rich millionaire back then so he could have kept the Sox.
  5. This FO continues to increase the level of embarrassment. Yet the POS owner is arrogantly stubborn and still allows his loser GM Hahn to be employed! The pure definition of Insanity continues on!
  6. Well it looks like some type of shoulder surgery possibly coming. If he does, then he'll be in good company with Carlos Rodon for like surgeries. This POS FO needs to take most of the blame once again, for thus far ruining Crochet's early major league career.
  7. Sheets really sucks and is not worth a roster spot.
  8. Yep, Charlotte just lost again 12-9. The Sox minor league pitching doesn't illustrate it's bad....it's illustrates it's downright horrible at all four Sox minor league teams: ERA Charlotte 6.31 20th of 20 teams Birmingham 5.36 7th of 8 teams Winston-Salem 5.44 11th of 12 teams Kann. 4.40 8th of 12 teams Overall team ERA across all four minor teams is 5.61 Thank you Rick Hahn along with your wonderful scouting, drafting and player development coaching in the farm system.
  9. They were so good in both hitting and pitching. A extremely fun team to watch. It was heartbreaking we didn't go further. They obviously played in the old Comiskey Park which was not an easy place to hit home runs like it is now in GR, but they did hit a lot of them with Kittle, Luzinski, Fisk and Baines. Plus we had four great starters in Hoyt, Dotson, Bannister and Burns. I know some Sox fans don't like that Sunday uniform they wear now at Sunday home games, but you're right the jersey and hat were very cool too.
  10. One of the all time greats for classic jazz vocals.
  11. I remember that doubleheader. What an amazing record.
  12. I guess Hahn's parade is officially being called off for quite some time!!
  13. Other than 2005, one of my favorite seasons.
  14. I thought I read in addition to the Rays being stronger than the Sox in fixing players, Diekman also mentioned he attributed part of the success to having a better catcher, one that he could count on. If that is the case, which I would totally believe, so shocking to hear Grandal being part of the fault. LMAO!
  15. That would be sad if he needs TJS, but if he does then they need to make that decision and quit delaying. The good news is, Liam is much younger than when Justin Verlander had his TJS and Verlander came back and won a CY Young award.
  16. Trust me, I will be the happiest Sox camper if Jerry wakes up and quits playing his routine stubborn dumb loyalty BS and fires Hahn and the rest of his loser front office. Yes, nothing is impossible...except
  17. With all due respect, there is absolutely no comparison of Eloy's batting to the Big Hurt. Even if Eloy played healthy all the time as Frank did, there would still be no comparison. During Frank's best years in a Sox uniform, which were many, he put up numbers equal to Ted Williams. Btw, Eloy does not have a great batting eye like Frank had.
  18. You're right that Eloy seems like a super nice guy, very likeable and good teammate. I'm quite sure when they talk about the cancer in the clubhouse, Eloy is absolutely not part of that problem. The problem is why many of us get so down on him, is because he has so much potential and could be major HR/RBI producer. We as die-hard fans get angry with him and vent on Eloy, because we don't understand why he hasn't learned how to take better care of his body. I too hope Eloy can put it all together someday and be that player for the Sox and not see him do it for another team that figures it out and fixes him.
  19. That is very sad and unfortunate on Liam's fastball. Why don't these idiots shut him down for the rest of the season and quit this BS of trying to rush him back. New Flash to Pedro and Hahn: you aren't wining the division and making the playoffs. As a result, don't ruin Liam's chances for 2024. Let him just work on resting, and getting strong and healthier for next year, since he just battled and beat cancer. The Sox MO continues in 2023. Stupid Is as Stupid Does!
  20. Thank god Rongey doesn't do the pre and post radio shows anymore. He was a total POS! It was ridiculous how the radio station allowed him to be so rude and condescending to the fans who called in to voice their opinions. The joke of it was, if a fan called in and kissed his ass with nice comments, then they might win the coveted, "caller of the night" and win that stupid pizza gift card. LMAO!
  21. It's the latter! We have a flawed scouting and drafting philosophy. Then once we place these bad players in our farm system, we have minor league coaches apparently with zero concept of player development to make fixes and adjustments. I bet if Colas was on the Rays or some other good team, he would be fixed and possibly become a decent hitter.
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