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The Kids Can Play

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Everything posted by The Kids Can Play

  1. I think we all agree both of them need to be fired and a new front office hired taken from a successful org.
  2. Actually that is not correct. If a last minute deal would be done, Rick is a few steps away and would have been on the conference call with KW and Kim. Plus A GM usually always deals with their counterpart title and colleague and not go over their head. Btw, power structure is always well defined and followed, unless you never worked in a larger structure.
  3. What source has him as a top 100 prospect. I've checked several and cant find any.
  4. Actually that is not how it works in the real world or Corp America. You don't just pick up a phone and call contacts in upper executive management. There are reason there are specific titles in a company and in the real world you don't go over the head of your counterpart and colleague in a similar role in another organization. Maybe in some small ma and pop companies, but not in the large Corp America, which by the way baseball team are operated as a large corporations.
  5. 100 percent correct! Freidman is way smarter than KW, RH and JR combined.
  6. How about Jerry wake up and make Kenny retire and fire Hahn and then hire a new Pres/Sr VP and also a new GM.
  7. I get people consult all the time. I was in Corp America in local branch and district wide sales management for over 30 years. Trust me I know all about conferring with people above or below me to get second opinions and advice...even if I had the final decision. In fact, I would think before the 11h hour and final day of these trades, including this Burger trade, both KW and RH had discussed these possible trades in detail. However the point I guess we will have agree to disagree on...you think KW and RH made this decision together and I think the final deal was struck strictly through KW, only because Jerry perhaps, already told Kenny he was taking over more of this role going forward. Additionally, if Kenny and Rick worked on this deal together as you seem to suggest, then why would Kim say on radio and through other communication venues, that she called her good buddy Kenny and the two of them worked out the deal. She was crystal clear about that. There was no mention of RH. Keep in mind, long before this final trade was made, there were already some rumors floating around, whether true or not, that Kenny might be more involved and making some of these trades and final decisions. Furthermore and this is the most important point, Kim is the GM the way it works; she is suppose to call RH also the GM. GM's don't go over other GM's heads, unless they want to burn bridges and trusting relationships. If indeed she did call KW and not RH, only because she knew KW and felt more comfortable, out proper professional protocol, Kenny should have told her, that he needed to go get Rick on the call, or have her directly call Rick, because RH was the final decision maker. Kim in her statement would have thanked working with both KW and RH. Finally even if KW and RH conferred about this deal earlier, at some point when the final trade was being negotiated, KW in the final hour wouldn't go solo, close the deal on his own, then walk into Hahn's office and say, hey I closed the Burger deal for you. Of course KW could do that, if indeed the responsibilities had changed per Jerry. Again this makes for an plausible possibility, because RH has totally destroyed and set this franchise back man years with all his prior bad decisions. As we know Jerry hates terminating people, so he just delays it and has KW take over for now. Again we can agree to disagree, but I believe in Corp protocol and I don't care if Kim knew KW personally. I know for a fact Kim also knew who RH was, just like 28 other GM's know RH...unless the responsibilities changed for the Sox in the executive wing.
  8. I'm not buying that. Kim made no mention of her call with Kenny and Rick. It was strictly between her and Kenny. There is no GM who would have this big call and not acknowledge Hahn being also on the call and thanking him as well. It just doesn't work that way. Kim's comment is very telling.
  9. Yes, I'm sure on the last day it is chaotic. However one thing still doesn't make sense. Let's assume Rick Hahn still has the power and full decision making authority. Yes Kim NG called her buddy Kenny about Burger. Even though Hahn supposedly runs all things past Kenny, wouldn't Kenny do one of two things: 1.Put Kim on hold and go get Hahn to come in his office. Their two offices are really close by each other. 2. Tell Kim I will get Rick and we will call you back to discuss this. Let me play devil's advocate here. Put yourself in Hahn's shoes and by no means am I defending this POS loser. Yet the fact is, if Hahn is so called the man in charge, how would you feel being Hahn and Kenny walks in your office and says, "hey good news, I just traded Jake Burger to the Marlins and you had no clue. My point is just maybe we are not reading more into this and Kenny is slowing moving Hahn out. In the real world of any business or sports team, or whatever org...executives and managerial people don't make decisions without that key person, which is Hahn, if supposedly in Hahn is still in total charge.
  10. Wow, if that is true, which I have no reason not to believe, then the Cubs going far in the playoffs and Jerry having to watch all the news on TV, Radio and Newspapers about the Cubs...knowing that would seriously piss him off...then I would be so rooting for the Cubs. I wonder when Jerry made the comments, that when he attends the owner meetings, he thought some of them were so dumb and couldn't believe they ever were successful enough to buy a team, I wonder if Tom Ricketts was one of them. LOL! I could see where that would bother Jerry if the Cubs won it all again before the Sox.
  11. I'm too am pulling for the Rays. I also am pulling for Jake to finish strong and be one of the reasons the Marlins make the playoffs.
  12. I appreciate that Bochy had major credibility, but don't kid yourself, he walked in that Ranger's clubhouse from day one and didn't rely on his reputation and successes. I'm sorry but it is absolutely Grifol's fault regardless of if he was given a terrible roster, which of course he was. The issues I have with the way this team plays were things Grifol promised at his original press conference. They were very bold statements about hustle, pride, effort and playing smart baseball which has not happened. His biggest statement at the press conference, which I now laugh at was, "We are going to be a competitive team that controls the hitting and pitching from both sides of the zone!" Even though this team stinks, if this team had guys hustling, playing with passion, 110% effort and playing smart baseball, then I might say, yes he deserves another shot. If we are going to be bad for the next few years, then at least we should have a manager who will make them play with major heart, effort and smart situational baseball skills. I don't think Grifol's personality is capable of doing that.
  13. I are cheering for a 107 loss season to set the new White Sox record, so it might embarrass the POS demented owner enough to fire his entire front office and go to the outside.
  14. Go see how many are on staff for the Dodgers compared to the Sox? Smart winning owners don't cut staff on critical areas that help you win.
  15. I appreciate you posting the Chuck-Callis podcast as I always enjoy them. However I am not buying that the Sox putrid farm system deserves to go to the mid teens. I agree Schulz, Montgomery and a few others currently in our system are going to be future stars hopefully. However a farm system is based on all levels. The AAA and AA are the worst in their divisions. The high A and Low A levels are middle of the pack or a bit higher in some areas. Although hitting is good at Winston-Salem, the pitching is near the bottom. My point is a few good prospects they just acquired, cannot make up for the horrific stats in the the higher levels. Plus as was posted, none of the new additions are doing that great. Regardless of that though, how do a few of these new prospects ( and we'll give the benefit of the doubt they will be good) make up for the following: Charlotte - In 20 team Intl league - W-L - 40-65 - 20th Offense Runs #20 2B - #14 HR's #17 Walks #20 BA #17 OBP #20 SLG #20 OPS #20 Pitching ERA #20 Walks - 2nd most given HR's - 2nd most given up WHIP #20 BA #20 Birmingham - In 8 team Sothern league - W-L - 34-65 - 8th Offense Runs #7 2B #8 HR's #4 Walks #6 BA #6 OBP #8 SLG #7 OPS #7 Pitching ERA #8 Hits #8 Walks - 1st - Most given up HR's - 4th - Most given up WHIP - #8 BA #8 Winston-Salem - 12 team South Atlantic league - 46-48 - 9th Hitting Runs #6 Runs #4 2B - #5 HR's - #9 Walks- #6 BA #10 SLG - #6 OPS - #6 Pitching ERA #11 Hits #4 Walks - 5th - Most given up HR's - 9th - Most given up WHIP - #11 The Sox are probably going to lose 100 games or more in 2023. They will also probably lose another 100 in 2024. As many have pointed out, I'm not sure they are a playoff team in 2025 either. I get Jim Callis represents MLB.com and MLB.pipeline.com, but there are also others including Baseball America that do rankings. BA doesn't always agree on rankings with MLB. I know for a fact, in that last top 100 prospects posted, there were major disagreements in prospect rankings between the two. I know the only way to prove this one way or another, is when we see these Sox prospects make the major league level and be productive. I personally don't see that happening quickly, especially if the worst GM in baseball is still around. I hope I am wrong, as I'm tired of losing, but nothing this owner and front office have done has may me very confident that the farm system gets drastically improved over the next few years. Keep in mind just because the Sox have some additional new prospects, doesn't mean they will develop them properly. As we all know, the Sox player development is one the worst in baseball. The bottom line is, until we get a new FO from a successful outside org and all new coaches in the minors, we are not going to be a World Series contender for a long time.
  16. The dysfunctional White Sox way: Stupid is as Stupid Does! This is definitely why our farm system sucks and our major league roster is 43-67 and probably going to lose 100 games or more.
  17. I hope they lose 107 games as that would be the new White Sox record breaking the 106 loss season from 1970.
  18. 14 K's and only 2 walks. 30th in Walks 30th in OBP #2 in 0 Swing %, just barely though. By the end of the year they will be the worst. 43-67 .391 and on target to either lose 98 games .395 or 99 games .389. 100 is very realistic. White Sox most losses is for 162 game season is 1970 with 56-106. 2nd is 2018 62-100. Thanks Jerry and Rick for making 2023 a fun summer of baseball.
  19. I'm not sure this team could beat the top AAA teams in the minors.
  20. You're right and the -305 for the moneyline win for the Rangers was the highest negative number this year.
  21. Let's see, our boys had 12 K's last night against Dunning who isn't a huge dominant strikeout pitcher. Now they are going against Scherzer who is at 10.1 K's per 9 IP. No wonder of all the MLB games today, the Sox-Rangers game is the highest negative moneyline at (-305).
  22. You're right Grifol never got the buy-in and respect from the players. But guess what, that is on Grifol. He came into the initial press conference with some pretty bold statements of how he was going to change the culture and effort on this team. When a guy like Bruce Botchy goes to the Rangers and changes that team's culture, he did it because he is a leader. There was nobody stopping Grifol from taking control of this team and earning that respect. That is what leaders do. I'm sorry but Grifol failed miserably and firing him does make a big difference for next year. I know this team will suck for several more years, but at least it would be nice to have a manager who could demand respect, effort and work more on baseball fundamentals. If Francona or Botchy or any other great manager had this Sox team over the next few years, the team would still be bad. However at least there would be effort, passion and players playing smarter baseball.
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