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Posts posted by JoeC

  1. @Green Line - this organization deserves the negativity.

    Shattering the record is the only way to have a hope, besides immediate death to the owner, of making a meaningful and sustained change to the way that the team is run, which is literally the only way we can get out of this owner-mandated misery.

    Given those two choices, I want the record. Otherwise, cheering for this team to win right now is to cheer for this team to continue to be run "Jerry's way" until he dies.

    But please tell me again how I need to behave.

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  2. 52 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Naw, if I tried to drive home drunk, and told the cop who caught me that I was super important and should be let off, the cop would laugh at me and hopefully arrest me. I would then have fewer sycophants writing articles about how DUI is a crime for little people. 

    I said we're the TLR Emoji.

    Not TLR. The Emoji unfortunately has to be accountable for its own actions, at least more so than the actual person.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Bob Sacamano said:

    They got guys they could have picked up for nothing a couple days later. At least 3 of those guys would have been non-tendered.

    I mean, you could make the case that they traded for "dibs" on these guys, I suppose.

    But yes - they could have picked up guys like Lopez and Soroka, probably for less money than they ultimately paid.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, WestEddy said:

    The win-loss record doesn't matter. Until it does. Getz is finally making changes to the organization that should have happened 5-10 years ago. I didn't really want the team to set the loss record, but who really cares? It's an organizational rebuild. Either the guys Getz puts in place will affect real change, or the team will get moderately better until JR kicks, then new owners will clean house. 

    I really don't understand the need for everybody you encounter to repeat the things you say in your head. 

    The problem is that hiring the right staff around him is nice, but at the end of the day, those guys are all there to:

    1. Help Getz get the right players - through drafting, FA signings, and trades

    2. Help Getz develop those players into becoming the best players they can be

    So far, while I will give Getz more time in his current role for (2), his track record on (1) so far is atrocious.. If he can't figure out how to improve on (1), he'll never succeed in producing a winning team.

    Say what you will about the expectations of the 2024 season - if we had a GM who did all of the things Chris Getz seemingly does right (hire competent staff) AND who didn't suck at signing / trading for players, we'd be a good 10~20 games better than we are. Horrendous, but not the literal worst team ever.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, bmags said:

    Had we hired a brand new front office, that guy would have probably brought in someone new and they would have never found the cupboard that housed the international scouting.

    I love this - like they FINALLY found that can of cranberry sauce they swore they bought last Thanksgiving and got in some huge argument over who forgot to buy what.

    Or like it’s Milton stuck down in Storage B.

    Seriously, we need to make a show called “The Front Office” about the 2022~ 2024 (and counting) Sox. The main characters are:

    1. The receptionist who’s been loyal to JR for 30 years
    2. A ticket sales rep who went to Michigan business school as an undergrad and flunked out of ND business school to work for the Sox, only to find out what a s%*# show it is
    3. A data analyst who interned with the Astros, didn’t get offered a contract upon graduation, then was “poached” by the inept front office who didn’t realize his plan was to publish videos on YouTube to expose the dark secrets of a dysfunctional and toxic baseball front office

  6. All JR needs to do is just hire someone (competent) to take over all daily operations and give the keys to the kingdom to that person.

    he or she can then hire a competent FO, overhaul everything, and eventually make JR millions more through smart baseball investments

    ….so, we have to wait for death, thus making Sox fandom a personal moral quandary in addition to the ultimate misery as a sports fan. 

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