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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Well, we let Martin Maldonado hit like Martin Maldonado, and we don't seem to grasp that he sucks, so yes.
  2. My guess is that Leone gets DFA before Keller's spot's next time up in the rotation, at which point they call up Thorpe or someone else. Leone can give you some innings, regardless of quality, before Keller's spot's next time up.
  3. That won't stop half this board from penciling him in to be the long-term solution at 2B.
  4. Alonso, if he signs with the Sox, will go the way of LaRoche, Edwin, Dunn, et al.
  5. For the record, this thread has been relegated to page 2, while on page 1, there is a thread that starts with a hypothetical scenario that results in Pedro winning manager of the year.
  6. Hot take: Cease blows out his arm in 2026 and can't pitch again. Sox sign him in the spring of 2028 as a 32-year-old hitting prospect who overcomes the odds and becomes our power hitting first baseman. ...because he'd play for the league minimum, and Jerry would value his loyalty. (Jerry lives to be 120 in this version of reality, because we can't have nice things)
  7. Also, holy s%*#. The Sox DFA'd Ortega on his birthday? That's cold. ...or is it generous?
  8. If Julks was DFA'd, he was presumably placed on waivers, no? Were the Sox afraid he would get snatched up by someone else?
  9. Flush After Supposedly “Trying”
  10. Seems like a heck of a nickname for an underground amateur MMA fighter.
  11. Whoever pulled off that burger trade probably needs a promotion. Sounds like he is a smart guy who is a good negotiator and knows how to sell at the right time.
  12. I assume you haven't spent much time rehabilitating from an injuries under the supervision of trained medical staff, I take it.
  13. They were also absolutely fucking stupid with the Sox, but in a different way.
  14. 4 guys in the top 100 should be considered about average (1 out of 25 of the top 100 top prospects are in your org), no? Either way, nice to see the minor league system achieve respectability.
  15. The 2008 season was fun. I almost went to game 2 of the ALDS in Tampa. I was living in Japan at the time and was 24 years old - my friend in Tampa had an extra ticket that he said he'd give me for free if I could find my way there for the game. By the time my PTO was approved, flights had gone wayyyy up, so I couldn't afford to go anymore.
  16. The one thing we CAN say is that, while he doesn’t have the track record, he did have top prospect pedigree. That and a buck will still get you a cheap cup of coffee, but IMO it seems like if you have that one-time prospect pedigree, you’re more likely to be seen as a “guy who finally figured it out” rather than a flash in the pan… ergo, you have a slightly higher trade value. It’s not worth nearly as much as a track record, but it’s worth SOMETHING.
  17. Based on what? It's clear in looking at that list of swing speeds that the higher speeds are all "power" guys, and the lower speeds are all "contact" guys. Looks like Arraez, one of the best bat-on-ball guys around, also has a really high "ball in play" rate (12th), as well as the shortest swing length (5.9 feet) in the league. Looks like these numbers back up the "eye test" in his case, which is that he's an elite contact hitter who basically only swings for contact to put the ball in play.
  18. Yep. thus a move to the bullpen could be vital, with a spot start thrown in there maybe. Not sure how arms behave, though
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