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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Option B: the Sox wind down his inning usage as midseason approaches and put him into the bullpen. He continues his success in the bullpen, and he nets a handsome return from a playoff team who is looking for a shut-down lefty reliever this year + a solid #2 starter next year.
  2. I am thinking a “Stan Sitwell” or a “Standpoor” would be a nickname i could obscurely get behind
  3. This feels weird to type, but that kind of makes sense.
  4. What’s amazing is how nearly instantaneously he fell off the cliff.
  5. I hate that they’re taking away my misery.
  6. Maybe the rapper-turned-actor Ice Cube, just pluralized like Roberts.
  7. That's the goal. With his salary, likely meeds more than just 3 AAA games to show he is the same elite defender at 3B
  8. Yep. or, more realistically, Ramos comes down to earth when the league figures him out. He then goes down to AA or AAA to work to patch those holes and make adjustments. either scenario works for me.
  9. If you’re bringing Moncada back into the lineup, the most asinine thing you can do IMO is to move him from 3B. His defense at 3B is his biggest asset at this point. If he can come back before the deadline, you showcase any strengths he has so you can maximize returns if possible for a trade.
  10. Didn't realize I had to add "</sarc>" to something THAT obvious.
  11. The year is 2021... "bold prediction - we'll be neck and neck with the Astros in 2024!"
  12. Sounds like the perfect acquisition for the Sox down the road, with a bonus Eder DFA to make room on the 40-man.
  13. I hate you for making me laugh at this fucking joke.
  14. Of course. That much I think we all agree on (for the most part). My point isn't so much that Getz is making bad moves, but his body of work as a whole is flat.
  15. Maybe. That’s one way to look at it. another perspective is that he hasn’t really moved the needle at all in terms of the org. Sure, he’s made nice little deals here and there, but it seems like there isn’t a lot done to fundamentally shift the organization’s core standing, besides the Cease and maybe Bummer trades.
  16. From an athletic and drive standpoint, thousands of kids suffer overuse injuries that become lifelong ailments, and countless others just get burned out and build up resentment toward the sports. That’s what I mean by “ruined.” I’ve seen it in dozens of kids in my direct involvement. It’s not a stretch to extrapolate that single point of reference to thousands of kids.
  17. Somehow the best post of the thread. That's where we are as an organization.
  18. I felt bad nobody responded to this, so here ya go. What a sad season.
  19. What’s he supposed to say? “The wheels were falling off around me, but I had a fucking blast!”
  20. White Sox Baseball: never mind our history. Let’s just look the other way… towards the future
  21. Yes, but that’s every thread for me.
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