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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Not to mention his walk-off homer against Cleveland in September. That was really the nail in the coffin on the division race for me.
  2. I wonder how much better this team would be right now without Pedro. We could be like 6-15 with this lineup. We could be legitimately challenging other clubs for 29th best record.
  3. Yeah we just have to kick his kid out of the clubhouse.
  4. Good enough for a 2021 first place Sox team at least half the time, but not good enough for the 2024 version which may be the historical worst…ever. #Soxlogic
  5. Yeah. Tough call with so many untouchables.
  6. One thing that always stuck out to me about Python is that all of their sketches have one ridiculous or outlandish premise, and all of the decisions and actions are 100% logical once you accept that premise. I feel like that is a perfect metaphor for Sox fandom.
  7. What IS on Getz is bullshitting us all and trying to sell any modicum of a message that they'd be competitive this year.
  8. Whit Merrifeld with a solid .408 OPS... which would be good for only 4th worst in today's Sox starting lineup.
  9. If he made it to first without injury, that's an improvement over at least 33% of our lineup.
  10. ...unless it's Mike Clevinger, apparently. But yes - all Fedde has to do is prove himself to be a solid #4, and he'll be well worth the signing for the return we'll get
  11. At first I read "C Edgar Quero" like "C" was his first initial... like J Edgar Hoover.
  12. I mean, that's kind of the point in a signing like Fedde in a season like this, right? You buy low, let him build up value, and flip him for prospects that can help you in 2 years or so. If we can get a legitimate prospect from a team by trading Fedde, I'm considering that to be a huge success.
  13. on Si.com, according to Bleacher Report https://www.si.com/mlb/giants/news/san-francisco-giants-linked-white-sox-starter-potential-trade-dylan9 Take that with a grain of salt, I guess (since it's ultimately from Bleacher Report), but I would at least use this as a useful data point for Getz having built some trade value in the Fedde acquisition.
  14. You don't think it'd be "cash considerations?"
  15. I hope Cannon sticks in the rotation. I'm picturing Clevinger as more of the Crochet backfill for when he winds down. If Clevinger can perform anywhere as decently as he did last year, I'd be halfway happy with a rotation of Clevinger - Nastrini - Cannon - Fedde - (someone else)
  16. I think because of expectations. We expected so much worse.
  17. Sox are 24th out of 30 in ERA. The pitching is better than expected, but let's not act like it's going to be a saving grace.
  18. What about starting by taking one of your "worst bats" and taking away places for that guy to play?
  19. Unix time. Makes it agnostic to time zones.
  20. Can't wait for the lineup for Game 2.
  21. Kind of what I'm thinking... I'm taking this with a grain of salt, and I'm keeping an eye on more credible / mainstream rankings sources to validate anything that Bleacher Report comes out with.
  22. I feel like this is a signing that should have happened 12 months ago, from a clubhouse standpoint.
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