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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. So when's the next Colas Call-up going to be? My guess is before 5/15.
  2. If he’s going to succeed, it’s not at this organization.
  3. With this headline, my first thought was, "yes, Pedro. That is how batting lineups work."
  4. I mean, when's he arb eligible, again? Could be an extra year of league minimum, at least. Jerry would appreciate that, so that makes it more likely.
  5. Gotta try to salvage this season somehow.
  6. I am 100% convinced it's personal in some way, shape, or form.
  7. I mean, they're unlikely to get to 150 games COMBINED!
  8. Is this where we start to throw random corner infielder / DH names at the 2B position for some reason?
  9. Look at how quickly the offense came alive. Red hot!
  10. That would totally ruin my prediction of him pitching more games than Yoan + Eloy play.
  11. Another long line of Sox players who were rushed to the big leagues with no plan for development.
  12. Yeah, but we also got a lot of empty promises and seats at many tables for Hahn, so isn’t it a win-win?
  13. Link: Shaw gave them a good head start, but, wily veteran he is, he’s only to 10 games to make up (14 vs. 4). Could be caught up by the end of April, realistically.
  14. Also, I blame myself for wondering if Shaw will pitch more games than Eloy + Yoan will play (combined) this year.
  15. Sorry to see Yoan go down for so long. RE: training for athletics vs. aesthetics… there was some article / video I saw a few years ago where they pitted power lifters and bodybuilders against I believe the NFL combine. It was either in the first or second 40-yard sprint that the first bodybuilder went down. What it came down to, broadly speaking, was the lack of training of your nervous system that occurs when doing athletic activities. If you’re just training for aesthetics, you’re frequently isolating muscles, rather than chaining together complex movements. By NOT training your muscles to work together (like in olympic power lifting, sprinting, etc.), you’re opening yourself up for having your muscles misfiring / mis-timing their movements, which can exacerbate your injury outlook, especially when you don’t give your muscles an nerves a chance to warm up. This is why you see more dynamic stretching and warm-ups taking place (the days of static stretching being standard “warm-up” are long gone), and this is why you see stationary bikes on NFL sidelines. You want to activate the muscle chains and neural paths along the muscle groups, and you want to keep them warm and activated so that they don’t crumple like a pile of bricks 10 steps down the field. I’ll let our resident expert @ptatc fact check me here, but the above is my understanding and working theory of “common” practices these days.
  16. Yeah, but how could they ever have foreseen an injury there?
  17. I mean the Sox media. We are aware Yoan got hurt hustling. they’ve updated the picture since then.
  18. Lol. These guys clearly aren't even trying anymore. I can't post the screenshot, but thegame story headline says "Snake-bitten Sox lose Moncada to injury before rallying past Guards." The picture shows Robert (wrong player) in a home jersey (it was an away game) to summarize a game in which the picture player was not participating.
  19. Not just spending on players, but more so spending on player development. The Sox have had no discernible strategy when it comes to player development. Smart organizations like the Guardians, Dodgers, Braves, and Orioles consistently develop players because a) they create development plans for their players; b) they tend to acquire guys whose characteristics fall into these strategies; and c) follow through on these development plans. JR sees the farm as just a warehouse, when it should be seen as a factory.
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