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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Maybe. It seems like the Pirates are more data-driven than most orgs. My guess is that if it's a "my legs feel great finally!" conversation, they've got some sort of biomechanical analysis that they've done.
  2. The pirates are good at these low key signings where they see something that other orgs undervalue or miss. I doubt it in this case, but i wonder if there is something they see is Yaz that they think they can get something useful out of him
  3. None of those address his questioning of the bolded part of the quote, but your ability to use Google on unrelated topics is noted.
  4. I would expect the tailgaters to outnumber the concert goers at least by a 3-2 ratio, the way that tailgating is apparently a virtue.
  5. Somewhere, Jake Peavy is lamenting a missed opportunity: https://www.yahoo.com/sports/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/jake-peavy-paid-75-000-duck-boat-painting-174557510--mlb.html
  6. Pretty sure the ADA requires them to make sure that at least some of the 4,000 stated parking spaces are mobility-compliant.
  7. Yeah, I kind of had a hard time believing that they’d do this level of planning and forget that people in American cities drive cars.
  8. What has poor Dylan done to deserve this kind of horrible treatment?
  9. So that's only $213MM more guaranteed than the value of Benintendi's contract.
  10. Honest question here - what is Mena’s upside? Is he actually decent?
  11. Once Oakland actually finds a home, it will be two, yes.
  12. Fans can adjust. The one piece you're not taking into account is that modern sports fans are looking for a ballgame to be the centerpiece of a broader outing. That concept is in full display at Wrigley, and the trend of downtown stadiums is basically a giant supportive narrative of that. Heck - even the tailgating concept is evidence of this. Fans come to the ballpark a couple of hours early, hang out with friends, drink some beers, and eat some food, then watch the game, then go home. Just replace the tailgating with a few pregame pints or burgers a short walk away (read: "we can make more money than from fans tailgating"). I would venture to guess that, while you'll still have your fair share of tailgaters in the reduced-capacity lots, people will adjust and fill their time before and after the game by frequenting other establishments nearby. In other words, what you perceive as an innate desire for Sox fans to tailgate, I would assert is just fans' desire to want to be able to "make a day of it," and it makes no huge difference whether it's tailgating or whatever else that's "right there." This is the model in Detroit - Comerica is right downtown, and the bars / restaurants down there are packed on game days. There are safe and convenient parking garages practically across the street, some privately operated surface lots where people tailgate, and even shuttles that will bring you in from the bars near Tiger Stadium (about a mile or two away from Comerica). Parking in the immediate walkable ring around Comerica has decreased as the area has filled in, but people are taking advantage of ride shares and public transit (street car that runs right past the ballpark). Besides, the post you are responding to was a sarcastic post meant to convey that humans are capable of building things near (or sometimes even under) water.
  13. I'm pretty sure they can figure out how to make parking work on that site. If there's anything that engineers know how to do, it's to build parking and cram more cars into a confined space.
  14. Clearly they must be heading there to tailgate with their suburban friends.
  15. I would imagine a large part of any stadium deal is that the state gets to sell off the (far larger tracts) of land to developers, or to cater to the suburbanites who are just looking to come to tailgate as their primary activity.
  16. Who owns the land on and around the current ballpark (namely the parking lots)? All owned by the state?
  17. If Manfred likes it, I'm not sure what to think.
  18. I think, given the public transit availability at Roosevelt and Clark (along with the additional entertainment options in the area), you could get away FAR less parking, but you can still have a good portion of that parking be available to tailgaters.
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