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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. We’re really good confidence builders. We can get teams into challenging situations, then fail to execute / encourage the other team to come through. a nice team to face in September as a low-pressure playoff tuneup
  2. Burger still hovering around .800 OPS right?
  3. Shut Crochet down. Why rush him back at this point?
  4. I’ll bite… who is saying that…? And prefer you whiff as opposed to what other outcome?
  5. Enjoy! Doom and gloom, pessimism, etc., aside, there’s not much better than taking a kid to their first ballgame.
  6. Nvm - contract signed after 2019
  7. They signed him to that massive extension right away though, basically.
  8. Let's think outside the box and go for Gary Sheffield.
  9. The only optimism I'll have is either if the Sox end up in 1st place with a record above .500 after the 4th of July, or if Hahn is fired and replaced with a competent GM who is ready to rebuild and retool the organization from the ground up. This means scouting, player development, talent evaluation, on-field coaching, injury prevention... the works. The Sox need to tear it down tot he foundation and start over, or they're bound to make the same mistakes. Get with the modern times and create a comprehensive player development strategy from draft day until the day the player leaves the organization. I also feel the need to say that this strategy needs to be good (not "trot them out there and hope they figure out how to play at this level"). Until then, it doesn't matter if we have the 1st or 30th ranked system in baseball - we're going to continue to churn out players who are only good enough to consistently produce glimmers of hope, but nothing more. We'll get the occasional Luis Robert, but for every Luis Robert you'll end up with a half dozen Vaughns, Moncadas, and Eloys - all good enough to give hope, but too flawed to sanely be able to build around.
  10. "Terms I'm afraid to Google for $2,000"
  11. ...so basically half the lineup is all that needs to be fixed.
  12. So this is what we've come to... arguing about which source best supports the conclusion that we suck.
  13. You’d think there would be some way for a human to be involved in that process somehow…. Like a way to telm the computer what to do or check the computer’s work.
  14. I'm guessing this is going to be filed under "Tradition" at this point.
  15. It's getting harder to distinguish between sincerity and satire around here.
  16. It's simple. Reinsdorf's job as an owner is to hire the right people, give them the resources to succeed, and give them the authority to make decisions on how to succeed. He doesn't hire the right people, handcuffs them on resources (both big league and minor league resources), and undermines their authority by doing stupid s%*# like hiring TLR behind Hahn's back.
  17. I wonder how many of the Sox's wins (and losses) had, at one point or another, a save opportunity....
  18. Half cynically guessing they’re going to IL Robert so he doesn’t go to the ASG, so the Sox have to send a replacement to have “two” All-Stars to save Hahn’s face.
  19. I mean, the only reasons I can think of to call up a guy like Rodriguez are: You're going to use the guy regularly ---OR--- You're giving a young guy a glimpse of what happens at the big league level, how big leaguers conduct themselves, and what sort of behaviors you're going to have to demonstrate to be a successful big league player on and off the field. ...so yeah. In this case, I have no idea why they would have called him up.
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