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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Basically. My understanding is that whatever the Sox pay him will come out of what he's owed from Oakland... so a prorated portion of the league minimum is what the Sox would probably pay, and the prorated portion of league minimum is just subtracted from what Oakland pays him for the rest of the year.
  2. I see Leury in the thread title. Maybe I should have added a "sarcasm" label.
  3. TA, Mendick, and who's the third one?
  4. The more I look at it, the more I like Andrus. Fully expecting the Sox to make a run at Andrus, then have Leury play ahead of him anyways.
  5. Especially "with." You'll see some unprecedented shit that's the baseball equivalent of trying to feed a hot dog to a mailbox, and the Sox front office will be pointing to that as some sort of innovation.
  6. https://www.tankathon.com/mlb/remaining_schedule_strength Per this, the Sox have the easiest schedule (26th most difficult) of the three (CLE = 22, MIN = 15). Sox have 15 head-to-head against Cleveland (6) and Minny (9). Cleveland has 14 (Minny 8, Sox 6) Minny has 17(!) - Sox 9, Cleveland 8 SoS is close enough that it will really come down to head-to-head.
  7. No, I’m not going to the Guardians game either.
  8. It's implied by others that he's comparing his comments about the Red Sox with his experience with the White Sox. Can you show me where he talks about the White Sox?
  9. White Sox are 32-38 when Leury starts this year. They are 28-18 when Leury is not in the starting lineup this year.
  10. Who said he's "happier playing out the string?" Heck - show me a quote where McGuire showed discontent with the White Sox and that he's happier playing for the Red Sox. Heck - show me where he actually talked about the White Sox's clubhouse or the White Sox in general after the trade.
  11. Yes, or if two players are seen as being of equal value, you trade away the one that the other team sees more value in. The bottom line is that he's a backup catcher who did a serviceable job. He would still have a job with the White Sox if Zavala didn't improve so much. Doesn't mean he sucks.
  12. ...or he became expendable because Zavala showed improvement. Him getting traded was a result of Zavala's improvement - not McGuire's lack of production. And can you let me know where I said people should rip apart the team?
  13. Curious as to how McGuire was "part of the problem." He didn't hit much, but wasn't expected to hit much. He called a good game from behind the plate and provided really good defense. He did really well for his role and expectations. Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.
  14. Sure, it would be more meaningful if someone like, say, Abreu said something, right?
  15. So is he supposed to shut up and not say good things about his new team? Sure - if you read between the lines, it looks like he's throwing shade, but on the surface literally all he's said is a more substantive version of "I am enjoying the culture and my time here in Boston so far." As someone with a .550 OPS or whatever it is, it's in his best interests to ingratiate himself with his new team. Also, the fact that nobody on the White Sox team (not TLR) has said anything about McGuire's quote speaks volumes.
  16. Not just a sweep.... but a sweep where you wouldn't have to tax your high-leverage BP arms.
  17. Didn’t you get TLR’s statement about being “new school?” it’s that kind of innovative thinking that has the baseball world talking.
  18. Agreed. ...but can you think of a worse development environment than these Sox, especially for a hitter?
  19. I guess i have always looked at rushing prospects to the big league level as a riskier proposition. You may succeed, but you are likely to have a lower chance of succeeding versus having them mature more in the minors. I have always taken the conservative approach to this (lower risk).
  20. Not disagreeing with the fact that he's talented and has had success in the US minors. I am questioning the urgency of bringing him up now. Why not let him get regular ABs in AAA where he is (likely) challenged in a lower pressure setting. You won't hurt his development by giving him an extra 2 months in the minors here, but you sure as shit can do long term harm by rushing prospects too fast. Do we know how well opposing pitchers have adjusted to Colas so far? And if he's been forced to adjust in response? I don't want Colas to turn into the Cuban Gordon Beckham at the plate.
  21. …in the Japanese minors. Basically AA ball. Give him AAA at bats.
  22. Why rush and potentially stunt a prospect's development for this .500 team? It's not like we're contending or anything.
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