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Everything posted by Spumoni

  1. Be fair to Tim. He's been phenomenal offensively. But as for him being the spark to the offense... hasn't happened this year, thats for sure
  2. I believe mustaches are allowed. The soul patch is just flying under the radar
  3. Eloy was so much fun to watch early on. Hasn't felt that way in some time though - I hope he can get back but becoming more and more skeptical. Outside of 2019 he really hasn't done a whole lot.
  4. I'm also pissed about this. Going from planning to see Kopech and instead seeing Keuchel is a major letdown. I'll have to have an extra beer or two before heading into the park.
  5. My guess is this gets settled and we'll never know the truth here.
  6. Thought he was out but thought it was gonna be too close to overturn. Glad I was wrong.
  7. Tim will figure it out elsewhere. Right now that bat is just incredible.
  8. Didn't buehrle toss a 1.5 hour game or something ridiculous like that once?
  9. Well his bat is certainly playing even if nothing else is. We'll take it!
  10. Looks like yesterday was an aberration. Offense snoozing again
  11. Amazing how we can toggle back and forth from that kind of heads up play to bonkers stupidity from inning to inning
  12. Don't see that happen too often. Nasty pitch.
  13. Let's not leave RISP with no outs yet again. Edit - damn delay.
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