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Everything posted by Molto

  1. pretty inconclusive to be honest. the offseason is always much busier than the season with all the stories, spring battles, and trade rumors and stuff. it is weird. we are gonna pick things up soon though. I haven't been on the ball in about a month or so with school and such, but will be back to my old self soon. we want to get some other stuff going, more reports, info, and the top 50 prospect feature.
  2. do you mean 20 wins or 20 games HSC? 20 win seems a bit too much and 20 games means injury. either way, he's looked very good so far and hopefully he continues.
  3. I wouldn't put Loaiza in the books as the pitcher he has been. he's been looking good, but like baggs said, he's done this before. upside is he's looked pretty damn impressive so far. perhaps it is just his year. one bright side I look at is he's always had success against the AL Central. hopefully that continues and it spreads to the rest of the league, if not, Garland, Stewart, and/or Wright need to step up.
  4. umm, baggs, you ripped on Koch following his first outting. hell, you ripped on Koch before opening day. you ripped on Koch in between the two blown saves while he was pitching pretty damn good.
  5. I didn't say Maggs didn't work hard and I will retract what i said about him "dogging" it cause that was misused, but Ordonez has been "lazy" at times in the outfield and has at times, like many other players, jogged to first. all I'm saying is a lot of players do stuff like that, so don't rag on Jimenez for doing it. it seems some just want to get on him for the sake of getting on him. Valentin made another error yesterday, I don't go bringing it up every time he does, hell, I would probably have the mosts post if that was case, but if Jimenez make one mistake or god forbids goes 0-4, the ragging on him occurrs. does Jimenez have a history of being a slacker? yeah, you can say so, but that doesn't mean we are gonna bring up every god damn situation just because we are afraid to appreciate the good a player we hate has done. how many times have young players taken a grounder and taken their time before making a throw? Hell, I know many times when young fast players come up, they will hit a grounder and beat it out because a shortstop or third baseman, veteran or not, simply took their time to throw it. it happens, let it be.
  6. you have to admit baggs, if Koch would've done that, you would be complaining how bad he was. Foulke giving the A's a chance is Koch sucking,
  7. why does everyone have to "hear" something. Maggs has slacked off many times in right. a lot of times on balls hit in shallow right he would jog too it. He's gotten better, but he had many of those moments. maggs will hit a grounder and will job to first, it HAS HAPPENED. jogging to first is just as bad as taking your sweet time on a grounder BTW, and jogging to first is something TOO MANY players do, yet nobody really brings it up unless it is very clear. I also hope Jimenez doesn't make a habit of doing that, because NO player should, but don't bring up one incident on a player you don't like, and not others for favored players.
  8. umm, how come you guys never got mad at Ordonez??? I mean, he had A LOT of plays the past few years that he completely dogged. why not complain about him? is it because Jimenez is already on your s*** list? Ordonez has the tendency to get lazidasical out there and has been doing it since he's been on the Sox, perhaps Jimenez is the same way. should he of done that? no would I as a manager question it? damn right, but you guys are letting your feelings on him and take it to the 10th degree in exaggeration.
  9. Molto


    why are you bringing up the pot head crap? it seems more made up and a way to give a guy a bad rap than anything. the only things I've heard about Garland is that he's pretty low key and quiet.
  10. Molto


    oh relax. it is called BALL BUSTING. whether you are better than a guy or not, you ball bust players on your team.
  11. yeah, you made the calender and wallpaper, sorry soxheads. okay, let me clarify this, Vince, you won't have to do a damn thing. no censoring and deleting of crap here, so basically, it just a title. CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
  12. Molto


    wow, since you joined this board Brando, I agreed with none of your views, but FINALLY, I agree with you. Glover is a good reliever. good fastball, good curve, and great composure. no matter what the situation, Glover goes out there and is the same pitcher. he isn't great and his ERA of 1.20 whatever is will not hold up, but he is a good reliever and will/should put up good numbers for a few years.
  13. Vince, as a new moderator to the board, you will have to do the same job all of us do (outside of Jason), which is absolutely nothing. CONGRATS!
  14. Molto


    I'm not basing my opinion of this season. I haven't even watched him that much to be honest, but I liked Glover from day one. as far as mop up guy, he isn't the mop up guy by ability, but for the fact that there is no other reliever the Sox have that can throw more than an inning consistently like Glover. if there is another long reliever in the pen, Glover is easily a late inning reliever or bridge pitcher.
  15. Molto


    well, stick your heads in the stat book and you'll come up with a below average pitcher, watch the game and you see a good pitcher. Glover could be (and will likely be) a good reliever. NOTE: I didn't say great. I think he's an adequate starter but a good reliever. he has all the tools needed. outside of Marte, I would take him over anyone else in the pen.
  16. Molto


    Gary Glover is above average. good stuff, great composure. he can be a strong setup man in any bullpen down the road. as far as him versus Erye, I would take Glover. Eyre showed NOTHING with us and Toronto but an 89 MPH fastball that he thought was 99.
  17. Molto

    D'angelo Jimenez

    I don't think we can say he's better than Durham, that would be too early, BUT I do think he can be easily more productive than Durham. He will take pitches, walk, won't strikeout much, and has a nice swing level swing which will keep him consistent.
  18. Molto

    D'angelo Jimenez

    people say Jimenez is a lazy selfish prick. well, he may be a prick (although that can't be confirmed), but lazy? four triples, two stolen bases, and a .400+ OBP. This for a guy who doesn't have great speed. I don't see how a guy who been as aggressive as he has on the bases is selfish. I don't see a guy who sees 5-6 pitches an at bat selfish.
  19. I know some out of towners hate the U, but it does allow a lot of in towners who don't have cable to watch the game.
  20. Molto


    nobody as the right to criticize the David Wells deal, especially since so many people were for it when it happened.
  21. colon is starting, both him and Buehrle will be going on four days rest for some time. Colon today, Stewart tomorrow, Buehrle the next.
  22. Molto


    although Williams has been a pretty good GM, some of your points a bit off or not deserving. getting rid of Ritchie and Clayton weren't good things because he got them here (even though I understood both moves). I agree with 2-6, #1 is in question (not sure if it was Williams behind it). I also agree with #9, 13, 14 and part of 15 (for the fact that he kept Crede down in the minors to develop) outside of that, the other stuff is useless. good points, but you overdid it with good things that it will only lead to people bashing KW, AGAIN (that hasn't happend in a while though)
  23. 50 degrees will do it too.
  24. check that, he has had success against Royals, but it hasn't been easy. I think those numbers are a bit off and are largely in part to a few really good starts, as opposed to consistent starts.
  25. he's always struggled against the Royals. the only time he showed somewhat success was the end of last season. for the most part, it is probably the hardest team for him.
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