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Everything posted by Molto

  1. so are you saying you would rather have Choi over Ordonez or Konerko? if not, I have no idea what your point is.
  2. not sure if you can do it, but can you list the names you want deleted and I'll see if I can delete them.
  3. they can't, but they do. you guys act like Foulke was immune to blowing big games.
  4. you CAN"T stop a fan from running onto the field, it is pretty damn hard unless you have security guards lined up like a baracade. there are simply too many fans to watch. what they have to do is punish these people SEVERELY. you run on the field and it is an automatic year in prison. you attack someone while doing, add more to it. security isn't the problem, you just gotta make an example out of someone.
  5. last year's attack happened at first base. Paul Konerko was walking/looking the other way and Willie Harris was dumbfounded. outside of them, no Sox players were in sight. this year, the Royals were on the field and once again, it happend by their dugout.
  6. if it's ancient history how will he never be? ancient history means he has. anyway, once again, people are looking at the numbers. problem with Gordon is simple, control. his control has been terrible all year, pressure or not. if he fixes his control, you have a good reliever, cause his pitches have looked good.
  7. umm, because Royals were there. tonight, they were on the field and it once against happened on their side of the field. last time, it happened right in front of their bench and happend to their coach. can't really blame the sox, just the jackass fans. kudos to Berger and Sweeney though.
  8. I'm tired with this s***. Foulke blew games with us too if I'm not mistaken. I hate it how every god damn year fans jump on the smallest things. remember last year with Marte? He started off with a 8.00 ERA and everyone thought he sucked. what he do? awesome the rest of the way. people hate Valentin, but in time liked him. hell, Paul Konerko wasn't liked too much when we got him, after all he was a .200 hitter with Cinci. I could name a thousand other times when fans attacked a player after a short time, but I'm simply too tired too. all I'm saying is to relax. Foulke and Koch, although different players, are similar in productivity and value. you may want to say Foulke is better, but anyone who thinks he is better to the point where we will regret this trade, or to the point where it will HURT this team dearly, is crazy. Koch has been a strong closer for years now, two bad games doesn't change that.
  9. wow, you knew where this game was going as soon as Valentin made the error, and when Konerko made the error, it sealed it. no energy at all. this one, we deserve to lose.
  10. no offense to anyone on this board, but most of you can't go and comment about Backman for the simple fact that you guys haven't seen anything from him. all you know is by what you hear, but nothing visual. I wouldn't mind Backman coming here, but what basis are you guys going on?
  11. two cy youngs? he hasn't one yet, so you damn right it will take something more to prove me wrong. as far as last year, the greatest first year ever? what are you on is the first question and what does that matter is the second? You can say Prior is talented and you can say you think he's gonna be great, but don't put anything in stone. like I said, it is disrespectful to all the great players who proved themselves and busted their ass to put a second year pitcher on their level.
  12. Mike, it won't be Monday, but Wednesday.
  13. I think Flash has looked good all year, the only problem has been his control. He appears to be healthy and looks good, he just needs to start spotting his pitches.
  14. lol, don't worry, I was prepared to rewrite it, I just saw the pace of the game and didn't see a comeback coming. thing is, a lot of times when I do it, the Sox actually come back and win.
  15. wow, a major upgrade from the previous one. looks good.
  16. this game was bad. in fact, I started writing the recap as a loss in the eighth inning. the offense was simply dead.
  17. who ever said I hate the cubs. I do the least amount of cub bashing than anyone. I could care less whether it is cubs or not, I'm just simply being realistic, don't make a guy the greatest, let him prove it. I hate when players come up and get start treatment. there have been a TON of guys who come up, look great, and in the end become nothing or simply good players. if Prior does great, great, he's a talented pitcher, but people are going crazy over a 5+ month span of baseball from him.
  18. lost in his performance is Vazquez outing. Prior has talent, but people get a little too giddy over him. I saw him pitch, he has some talent, no doubt and is composed on the mound. but don't make him out to be the next pedro like it's set in stone. it is disrespectfull to Pedro. Prior MAY be great, but he hasn't proven anything yet.
  19. gonna talk about a little of everything tonight. we'll get to baseball following the Sox game though, which will probably end at 8:30 or so. http://www.chisport.com remember, 8:00 pm central time.
  20. my thoughts are this, I hope he's dead, but I hope we don't go f*** things up in Iraq and create even bigger problems for us.
  21. swings for the fences? he is becoming one of the more patient guys on the team. even so, swinging for the fences means taking careless swings, which would result in a lot of Ks, he hasn't been a strikeout guy.
  22. Molto


    I'M GETTING DIRECTV MLB PACKAGE TODAY, which pretty much gives me any game I want!
  23. not sure what is going on, working on it now. if you guys ever can't get access to the main site, go here http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/teams/cha the content is there as well, just in a different layout.
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