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He'll Grab Some Bench
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  1. Whatever "rockraines", that picture was taken in Cliff's basement at his house on Eddy and Southport. And he did forward a work out program to Brian, have to focus on the stabilizing muscles with core strength movements like deadlifts and squats. If you want the workout PM me. Anderson is gonna be just fine, he is just a little fast with his swing right now. Same thing happened to me before. We dont need him to hit, just play good defense. Any offense from him is bonus. Kenny Williams agrees with this, talked to him last week at La Scarola (Best Italian food in the city) where he was eating with Ozzie...
  2. Thats fine Stef, I dont need you anyways. This chick just called me back today, we are going to Reserve Thursday night. Want to join us, I dont mind bringing 2 chicks even if you are a suburb girl. There is a lot of me to go around...thats how I roll with the ladies!
  3. Whatever, you are probably one of the chicks that I got a phone number from and are still waiting a call back hahaha! Keep waiting I dont hang with girls from Plainfield, only city girls for me~ I know you want me...
  4. His first hit was completely accidental. The funny thing is with all this anti Anderson talk, his april batting average isnt that worse from what Rowands was last year. I'll take Thome over Rowand any day and deal with Anderson in CF. Anderson just needs to run into some walls when he makes catches and hit right around .250. And maybe not leave everyone on base when he gets up! Lifting some weights wouldnt hurt him either . My buddy Cliff knows Herm Schnieder (through the orthopod's at Rush that do the surgery's for the White Sox), I'll see if he can pass on some weight lifting tips to anderson.
  5. Look me and my friends like to go out and have fun at sox games. Stop making fun of shirts, hair gel, tan's ect. You are just jealous. To clairify we went to Jimbos after Friday's game, then to Transit. That picture was taken at Transit, my fault. We have a lot in common and some differences. However we are all Sox fans. My point that the fan base is changing and the fact I think its a good thing remains unchanged. I (along with many others- as apparent by the number of balls being thrown back) think the tradition of throwing opposing team homers back is a good thing- many of you dont. No biggie, we live in the greatest country in the world that allows us to have opinions. The "wave", you are gonna have to deal with that also. What we can all be happy for is that the increased attendence is paying for the increased payroll. Hopefully this will continue, unlike what happens on the Northside. I guess my point of responding to this post (Im historically a "lurker" I've been a member of this board for a long time), embrace the changes- the Cell wasnt a cool place to hang out at before. The majority of our fan base looked like/ acted like that guy that ran on the field and got beat down. Yeah we are still more rowdy then other fan bases but we are getting "cooler". Here we are before Sundays victory (thats our Mardi Gras tree behind us). Didnt get any numbers Sunday
  6. Whatever, you are real tough making fun of someone over the internet. But that is me in the back. Before you make fun of the shirt color just know that I got 3 phone numbers at the game that night, while you where probably home alone. Haha pink is the new black. Most of us are done with college, 2 of my friends are in there super senior years at UIC. Right now our tickets are upper deck, but hopefully in another year or two we'll have club level seats. This summer we are having a sky box party, its gonna be hot. Here is another photo of some of my friends before Saturday nights game: Dont be a playa hater!
  7. Well I guess the majority of fans at the Cell are "Morons", cause more and more balls are being thrown back, and the wave happens regularly. And to the guy that mentioned cell phones. I agree with you it can be annoying, when our group talks on our cell phones or text people during the game, its always brief- we are just finding out where the party is gonna take us. You guys/girls are gonna have to open your minds a little, the White Sox fan base has probably grown 10-fold over the last year- and with this growth changes are occuring. Changes, IMO, that are good and are needed. We are still a rough and rowdy group- haha today my buddy Jimmy got thrown out cause some guy said something to him about smoking in the bathroom while wearing a Cubs jersey! Dont worry with pure Sox pride he beat down that moron. Just wait, in the next few years Bridgeport will become much like Wrigley. New lofts are going in down the street, more "Wrigley" style bars are coming. I predict within 10 years the Cell will have the same atmosphere as Wrigley- with a better product taking the field. Its exciting, better get on the train cause its leaving with or without you!
  8. Well you are entitled to your opinion, but I think throwing the ball back is a cool tradition that they have over at Wrigley and if it becomes a tradtion here then all the better. I know if I catch an opposing teams homer Im throwing it back and there isnt anything anyone is going to do about it. This isnt the White Sox of 5 years ago, we've taken the city by storm. Whether you like it or not there is gonna be new traditions, like throwing opposing team homers back and the wave.
  9. I love how people say the fans are annoying, bandwagoners, ect. Ive had season tickets for 3 years and to be honest the games are even better now. Even on weekday nights we are drawing decent amounts of people. Im glad people are showing up to support us. I love going to games with my boyz and being rowdy, and its even better with more people at the park. We run that place. Who cares if someone wants to throw a ball back after someone from the other team hits a homer. They caught the ball they can do what they want with it. It isnt just a "cubs" thing. Here is a picture of me and my boyz after Friday nights win at Jimbos
  10. Actually it was my 2nd thread start, but thanks for noticing...I thought the riddle was kinda funny oh well.
  11. What does a grizzly bear wearing a condom and the world series have in common? No Cubs
  12. thanks! Sounds like Jimbos would be cheaper then ebay...
  13. Is it true that the day of the game they have to release so many tickets at the ticket booth at US Cellular? If so what time do these go on sale at?
  14. Hm..I can see it now. Trump buys Sox, fires KW- hires Sam his new Apprentice, to replace KW. NBC makes a reality TV show, showcasing Sam as the new GM. Within 2 episodes the entire nation hates the Sox, and Havard Business School showcases the White Sox as a how not to run a business.
  15. I'm 30 years old- what is good about this you say? Chances are that I'll outlive Reinsdorf, and sometime in my lifetime the Sox will have a new owner. Thats something to look forward to. These last 4 years were the best chance for the Sox to really go for it. The times are changing and fast. KW has demolished our minor league system in an attempt to go for it, but had Reinsdorf spent some $ he wouldn't have had to try to pull off some of these miracle trades. I just can't understand it, attendence wasn't bad last year- why decide to be cheap this year?
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