Poster of the Year (soxtalk MVP) Chisoxfn
Thread of the Year (Best Picture) Hot Chicks
Best Poster to start a Thread (leading actor) SoxforlifeinPA
Best Poster to add to a Thread (supporting actor) Texsox
Admin of the Year cwsox
Mod of the Year: SS2K4
Mr./Ms. Underrated Fanof14
Special Effects (Who posts the best pics) besides me its gotta be cubsuck1
White Sox Baseball Analyst Rex Hudler (not to be confused with Hex Rudler)
Cubbie (poster who gets picked on, but like a loyal Cub fan, keeps coming back) BEGOOD
Drinking Buddy (Who would you like to meet for a drink) SuperSteve
LOL (who makes you laugh) BEGOOD
Anger Management Award (who makes you mad) The Hawk