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Everything posted by HighHeat45

  1. just made it now and its not oversized like mine usually are
  2. can you actually do moderating stuff now???
  3. this isnt mlb 2004 this is REAL baseball, trades take time
  4. HighHeat45

    To the Moon?

    check out this song about the moon We like the moon
  5. if you want me to make any changes on the ozzie one ill do it later, just pm me
  6. Whenever i go bowling and i throw a gutterball i kick the ball return really hard and scream alot of words i shouldnt be saying in bowling alleys
  7. i did, but i wanna see it again before it leaves theatres
  8. This holiday season has a ton of movies comin out that i wanna see including: - The Matrix Revolutions (came out awile ago but i still consider in the holiday season - Master and Commander (im gunna see it this weekend) - Elf (my friend told me it was good) - The Missing (seems pretty cool) - The Last Samuri (also seems pretty cool) - The Lord of the Rings the return of the king (cant wait to see it) - Stuck on you (seems hilarious)
  9. well the cubs can forget about all that support they got from china this year
  10. I put all the bad things up including b-day jan 1 1900 smoker bmi=>=45 and it said i am goin to live until Dec. 25 1970, then i got a pop up that said "Sorry your time has expired, have a nice day"
  11. IMO i wouldnt give him death i would put him in solitary confinment for the rest of his life, feeding him food from a little crack in the door. what would you rather have: -death and get it over with or - sitting in a pitch dark room for the next 50+ years with no one to talk to and nothin to do???
  12. HighHeat45


    yeah, that would be awesome and i havent seen that episode in a long time but i ran a search on festivus and found this big seinfeld site and it said it was the 23 here is the site on it
  13. HighHeat45


    beastly, good job with the calander so far, you just gotta put in one VERY important holiday... FESTIVUS!!!! Its on December 23, you may not know what it is but im sure im not the only one who does
  14. i cant believe soxtalk remembered my favorite holiday!!
  15. I know it cdub the you never said they were playin baseball so the person playing has to be Nancy Faust
  16. didnt someone on cincy (Johnson was maybe his name) guarantee a Bengals win today
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