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Everything posted by HighHeat45

  1. Back in the day when i posted at whitesox.com ColSat46 had his little boat thing goin on and one day he put up a link to the website. Well i was lookin at it and saw all the names of the whitesox.com posters then i saw more names that ive never heard of. So i asked him who those people were and he told me they were from the soxnet boards. So i go and find out that soxnet was shut down but there was a link to soxtalk so i went. Posted in the little boat thread and liked the place so much i rarely came back and after about another month i never came back except for maybe 5 times since october and every time i go back i forget my password and always put fake email addresses is so i had to make a new account.
  2. All of us in there now are using mirc but if you have to use java you could go to WSC and join the chat through that. So if we use mirc we arent doing anything with WSC
  3. The record posters on at one time was set right after the first game of the season. I remeber the server crashed for like a half hour then
  4. Yahoo, Hotmail and things like that dont have anything to do with your IP address, just tell him to get one of those.
  5. http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?showtopic...40entry416934 thats when it started
  6. Its been an option for a while now
  7. mines been that way for a few weeks now
  8. Ill be a mod. Whose the guy who kept unbanning you from Hangout_chat
  9. Im goin down to KC next week for the 1st two games of the series and am going to see Loaiza and Schoeneweis. Im expecting them to step it up so we can take back 1st During one of those games
  10. http://www.geocities.com/whitesoxfan56789/...rkeFanClub.html B)
  11. I agree with that and i do say its a team loss but isnt it kinda funny how Jose was involved in almost all of those things Bad Baserunning...check Bad Defense...check Missed Offense Opportuinity...check
  12. Sox Commercials This one southsider is talking about isnt up yet but it will be in a few days. Ive seen it a couple times too. Pretty good
  13. Im sure some people here have watched this show and I think its a kinda cool idea but i hate how they read the numbers. They have those strippers who say the numbers like: Twe-Twen-Twenty Five-five-five With different voices saying each syllable. I hate it, just say the number and get it over with. It sometimes takes them 10 seconds to read the number. Rant over
  14. Man, sending him down all the way to kanny after a 2 homer night
  15. I just noticed while looking at the schedule that the sox-philly game that was rained out will be played on August 30th at 1:05 on WCIU. Maybe this is old news but I havent ever seen it posted so i thought id let people know.
  16. If the rotation doesnt change at all and my counting was correct he will pitch on September 22 againts them at home. BTW i noticed while doing this the Philly Game was scheduled on August 30th at 1:05.
  17. Im not as upset about the loss as I am about what i saw from this team. Every single hitter was trying to go yard. It was pathetic. The team showed absolutly no heart out there tonight.
  18. Mientkeivich(sp) and a minor leaguer was the original deal
  19. IMO if you are a team leader you would nail your best friend with a pitch for retaliation if he did what Hunter did.
  20. yea i was lookin for one on the internet. Maybe if ESPN News is showin it a bunch it will be on their web site
  21. No, but ive heard it is pretty good
  22. you're right on comcastsportsnet.com it says exactly 100 games http://chicago.comcastsportsnet.com/
  23. theyll be some GN games, i think they said 90 somethin games on Comcast, its just pretty much taking the place of FSN. And the chicago sports thing is official already.
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