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Everything posted by HighHeat45

  1. Sandy-$700,000 Miguel-$320,000
  2. Valenin might have good range on defense but he needs to learn that konerko is our first baseman and not the fan in section 129, row 3, seat 5
  3. HighHeat45

    Mario Tennis

    thats what me and my friends would always do
  4. HighHeat45

    Madden Online

    I was bored so i went on to see if anyone still plays madden 04 online, there are a ton of people and i got in a game the guy was killing me 28-0 (he was the cowboys) and i got bored so i added some excitement. I subbed urlacher in as QB,K,P,KR,PR and he was still my MLB. Then i subbed Kreutz out and put the backup C in and put kruetz as RB and i also put him as my 2nd KR. It was hilarious, Urlacher couldnt throw a pass for s*** and he kicked it 5 feet. Kreutz couldnt get out of the backfield on a running play, when i was losing 110-12 and it was only the 2nd quater i quit
  5. 17 year vet, but carry on
  6. whitesoxfan56789 slaps sandy alomar jr. around a bit with a large trout -if you werent in the chat youll be confused
  7. Do you hear this lady talking about threating to wash the other teams players out with soap when they swear. wtf is she talking about, i was with the a's at the time i was with the twins at the time, im so confused
  8. Wasnt that clifford's first bad game
  9. Ummm youve never heard of Jorge Sweeney the best player on the Blue Jays well, anyways i hope we dont have a rain delay
  10. yea, true so clement would be too much $ how does Mitre and some AAA prospect sound. That would cut alot of salary and give us a fairly good SP, Mitre is better than we will get out of wright or Diaz IMO. People think we can get alot more out of jose but i dont know, he's never gunna win a gold glove or hit over 300, and with his K's would fit nicely on the northside
  11. I was also thinkin that maybe we can deal Jose to the cubs for matt clement. Clement has pretty much been told he isnt coming back with the cubs next year no matter how good he does and Jose is probably not coming back with the sox, This way when prior comes back the cubs could still use mitre or call up their stud prospect Angel Guzman (i think thats his name) from AAA.
  12. It will definitly happen today, just like i guessed
  13. Survivor is on at 7, maybe when that is done ill turn on friends but i doubt it.
  14. I dont know if you guys remember but a while ago, maybe november there was a guy who came on and posted all sorts of porn, had a porno avatar and a porno sig, well that guy was my friend who is a cubs fan, (i think his name was cubsfan76, i know 76 because he uses that # for everything and when i saw it i immediatly thought of him), who found the link in my AIM profile, he joined and you know the rest... Dont know if you can consider that recruiting but i chose the third one cus he was banned Wait, here is a link to his profile that is still around Cubsrule 76 and by the way ColSat recruited me when he started his "little boat" thing back in september
  15. The Harry Potter thing was HILARIOUS =========== Twins:were goin to whack some buldgers Harry: going to play quidich??? Twins: NO ======== Hagrid: i have to go tame my dragon Harry: got a new pet hagrid?? Hagrid: No LMAO
  16. I guess there was a power outage and Chip said that was the reason they werent hitting I guess arizona wasnt affected
  17. In English from google translator
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