why, because he saved the sox from moving to florida or because the shareholders dont give him the money to give us a 100 million dollar salary...Yep he sure is a Jackass
some other weird ones
the third favorite sport to play with 12% of the vote is bicycling baseball and golf are 1 and 2
the sox-cubs rivalry is our biggest rivalry with 43%, and cubs-cards is second with 25%..........Bears-Packers isnt listed
Every week in SI they have a poll from a different state asking various question about sports and this week was Illinois. Well one of the questions was what is your favorite MLB team and here is how it went
57% Cubs
13% Cardinals
13% White Sox
Now i know the Cubs have a bigger following than the sox but those numbers are ridiculous :headshake
Also Jerry Reinsdorf got 7% for Enemey of the State (brett favre won with 55%)