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Everything posted by HighHeat45

  1. I was thinkin since we are already filled up do you want me to change the draft to sometime sooner. Say March 1 or even earlier. March 10 is 20 days away and we might forget about it by then. Its up to you guys
  2. well, i see ya got in now so thats good.
  3. It looks like league 3 is gunna fill up, all we need is BEGOOD and he shouldnt be too hard to find
  4. Here ya go http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1
  5. yeah, i did. for some reason when i made the league i could only pick in the 6's or 9's and i wasnt sure, now i was able to grab 7:00
  6. For our draft i have it set at 6:30 central on the 10. will that be ok?? if not i can still change it.
  7. BEGOOD is the only one who still needs to join!!
  8. Mints Peanut Butter Patties and those new animal ones with chocolate on the back are the best
  9. if you wanna mark it down, im league 3's commish
  10. i dont know if im the only one who watches this show, but i thought for sure rodman was the mole, he actually outsmarted everyone else and won the game. It boggles my mind
  11. HighHeat45


    only when on fire so no
  12. psss http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=14818
  13. and on the main page it still says JM is our manager
  14. I never heard of him either, but since everyone was guessing him i guessed it.
  15. how long do you think their marriage will last, i say 6 months TOPS.
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