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cuban_sammiches last won the day on February 24 2024

cuban_sammiches had the most liked content!

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  1. Pitchers and catchers report in a week. I miss baseball. I miss you guys.
  2. Bush pitching to Rogers look like 2 guys who both play the motorcycle guy in Village People.
  3. Tune in just to see AV with the big swing-and-a-miss!
  4. Dog days of summer...means a lot of different things with this team.
  5. Just when you start feeling a small ray of positivity...
  6. This streak is about to be old enough to buy Malort shots for everyone!
  7. What's higher- the Sox winning percentage or LaRussa's last BAC?
  8. The marketing department is so desperate for someone to promote...outside of Crochet and he wants to leave.
  9. Imagine getting left behind in Oakland.
  10. I'm running errands and listening on the radio. The only reason to pay attention is the potential record setting outcome for this team. #howlowcanyougo
  11. Such a great sandwich. Only reason to go to a game these days.
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