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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Do it and watch them somehow fall out of the playoffs because Jimenez goes nuts. Let Eloy stay down to finish his development and still fall in the super two rule.
  2. Dumb move, but some of the meatball fans will love this. Hopefully they get their asses out to the park as paying customers in August and September.
  3. Now that is something I can get on board with - Spiegel and Parkins together again! I wish they could get the final track of the Mitch album completed. I can’t listen to the Score as much wth all of the Cubs talk. When the Sox are relevant again I hope that they get more air time to keep things interesting. I switch back to TuneIn podcasts when it’s just Cubs talk and switch back when they talk football.
  4. Why is she doing that? She may not even win.
  5. His Twitter account and Facebook mentions something about Sirius XM.
  6. What’s the problem with registering on the same day and bringing current bills to show where you live? Why not register people automatically once they get their driver’s license at 18?
  7. One thing I was curious about was if radio contracts are guaranteed. The reason being is that Spiegs and Goff has mentioned they were still on the Score’s payroll and were just in the bullpen. I think what’s got to be tough for Spiegs is that he had been on air in the slot for so long that when he was the odd man out he lost his job. Unlike Goff, I don’t think Spiegs had lots of political conversation. They did some discussion after the Las Vegas shooting but that was about it. Goff went after some dumb ass callers over some social issues in which he was right to call out bigotry and racism. I understand it is a sports station, but the anthem discussion and racist tweets have a place in a discussion, especially in the age that we live in. Entercom has 670 and the other stations working in concert to do whatever DeCastro desires. I wish I had a good question to ask about DeCastro to make the hosts uncomfortable about him as their boss, but on the surface McNeil and Parkins are unaffected. I do think Bernstein definitely got neutered with the change, which is too bad because he and Terry were on fire when they were together. At least he is analytical in his older age, Mac seems to have lost a step in his discussions with Parkins. That could also be rust, though. Where’d you see that about Goff? I thought he was contributing to Fox 32 and working on Sirius XM radio.
  8. Does Palka have a spot on the team going forward? God I hope so with how hard he hits the ball and the power that he has. Hopefully management can work out a contract with Boras and Rodon before they lose control of his contract. Especially if he keeps pitching like this.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/09/politics/trump-rudy-giuliani-russia/index.html So, do we think Mueller’s investigation will be wrapped up by the midterms? Or will it drag on while he waits to interview the president? I bet the investigation continues beyond November and Trump gets subpoenaed to talk to Mueller, starting a battle that will go to the Supreme Court.
  10. I haven’t watched a lot of games this year, but I would ask what all of you were expecting this year. I expected regression from Covey, although I thought Lopez, Giolito and Moncada would have better years. There’s so many prospects (lots of arms) coming up and there’s reason to believe there will be improvement next year that we should be optimistic. I didn’t think they would be a .500 team this year, although I thought they’d get at least 65-70 wins, so if people are judging by their record then I’d get it, but we would have to think there would be some rough patches and development with the young players up this year.
  11. When we are talking about baseball and the state of the team, how does it turn into a conversation about the Cubs, fans in Chicago and if the Sox will move or not? It sounds like a conversation for after the Cubs win their next World Series.
  12. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/21/mitch-landrieu-2020-democrats-473648 Mitch Landrieu likely wouldn’t win, but he would be an interesting voice against Trump in the 2020 primaries. Maybe he could be a VP choice for whoever wins the Democratic nomination.
  13. I hadn’t thought about his contract but now I agree with you. I will be curious to see who eventually ends up in the White Sox bullpen when the prospects arrive.
  14. How much credit should Trump get for the economy versus riding off what Obama did?
  15. Wouldn’t it be best for Avilan to stay here? Maybe they could get some talented minor league depth for him, I’m not sure. I wonder what they could get for Leury, something tells me he is staying for now.
  16. Okay, so I’m seeing replies in the Fry thread but I want to know - who is next to go? Cedeno? Shields?
  17. https://www.dailyherald.com/news/20180726/roskam-casten-sling-allegations-of-misrepresentation-in-6th-dist-debate Is anyone from the sixth congressional district? Sean Casten and Peter Roskam debated tonight and are in one of the contested races that democrats could win. Roskam has a large amount of money at his disposal but it would be great if Casten could pull it off and help Democrats make gains in the midterms.
  18. After I posted, I went back to whitesox.com and looked up transactions from last July and August. There was a lot of activity then and there should be with Soria, Shields, Garcia and Abreu available (they obviously won’t all get traded). One guest on Bernstein and McKnight didn’t think they’d deal anyone. We will have to see what happens.
  19. I hope you guys are right, I am surprised that we haven’t heard anything yet. And yes I know there’s a week left before the deadline.
  20. Does anyone want to bet the Sox stand down at the deadline and make August deals?
  21. I’m willing to bet that Soria is the only one dealt at the deadline, then either Cedeno, Shields or Avlian get moved in August through a waiver trade. Abreu and Garcia potentially get moved in the offseason. Jones does not get dealt and leaves in free agency eventually after struggling with injuries.
  22. Why do you think that about Biden? Just curious.
  23. He better start hitting like last year though.
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