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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Single, being social, not getting any results, and hating it. Marriage doesn't seem realistic as I haven't met anyone worthy of an Mrs. degree yet. Too much trash on campus. But I think I'll likely get married in my later twenties anyway, so it doesn't matter at this point.
  2. 22 - I didn't enter college till I was 19, so I'm going to graduate when I'm 23, and I feel like the old guy on campus. So even though I transferred schools, it's amazing that I'll graduate one semester late after the expected four years.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 6, 2010 -> 02:37 PM) I thought his reaction was perfect. An announcer needs to freak out on such a s***ty call. Maybe it is Hawk's whiny ass voice that is annoying. God I wish I could get the radio announcers in sync with TV instead of Hawk. He is absolutely brutal. They got the call right, and Hawk changed his s*** filled diaper. Life went on. Jesus f***ing Christ.
  4. So what if they missed that call, Hawk. They got it right in the end. Everyone knew it was foul and it was going to be corrected, so why did you continuously cry until they got it right? Go put another diaper on you f***ing baby.
  5. I'm not a big fan of the home plate umpire, but the fact that the Sox can't get to Beckett is the reason they are losing this game. It could have been 6-2 right now.
  6. TV Broadcasting: The guy in charge of the control room (Jim Angio?) Radio Broadcasting: Producer of Rongey's show. White Sox behind-the-scenes job: Scott Reifert White Sox front office: Kenny Williams White Sox player: None of them. If I had the balls to go out and play, I'd be Buehrle. White Sox coach: Joey Cora
  7. Okay, so now that they have acquired him, what do we owe this fool and how does that impact the payroll next year?
  8. The scene from Love Actually where the guy reads Keira Knightley the signs he has prepared to tell her that he loves her, or the scene when the mother is crying because she finds that her husband cheated on her emotionally.
  9. Since I didn't get into a big ten school originally, college football never really mattered much to me. NIU's team would be exciting, but I could give a s*** less of what UIllinois does as opposed to NU's football team, which I love. By this time this year, I welcome football with open arms, as I can't sit there and watch baseball and care if I believe the Sox to be out of it. If someone asked you to turn the Bears game on over post season baseball, then yes, I would say turn it on, but if we are talking contenders playing each other over a preseason football game, then the MLB game wins (or should win) every day of the week.
  10. Was watching the last part of the game at TJ's in Bourbonnais (Went to the evening session of training camp. Cutler had good stuff), and knew exactly what was going to happen with Thome, so I just chugged my beer and felt better about it. The solution was not to bring Thome back, as shown how he ran around the bases tonight, but it was to bring someone other than Kotsay in as DH. That is what bothers me, is that they didn't bring in someone else to DH. I'm not a fan of this Ozzie ball NL-style of play any longer. Jim Thome, I hope you flicked off Ozzie or Kenny after you hit that HR. It sure proved the Sox wrong that they do in fact need a DH that hits for power in a park where power numbers are rampant. I'm more pissed that the Sox are committed to quite a bit of salary and that next year appears to be a rebuilding year, which sucks! P.S. Castro for DH?
  11. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 17, 2010 -> 10:43 PM) Me too. But I'm not thrilled. I love college. Just don't like college classes. Had my college experience gone the correct way, where I go figure out what I should take and been at the correct college for me at the start, like NIU, I would have enjoyed it more. Everyone takes different routes so there is no correct way, but if I had gotten an associate's before going away, I would have the correct prerequisites to transfer elsewhere and that would have made things a hell of a lot easier. The problem was that I took a Liberal Arts math course as opposed to a College Algebra because I thought I was on the j-school track. When that didn't happen and I didn't want to be a reporter anymore, I decided to try out clubs and stuff, while neglecting to get my courses on track. So since I didn't take care of my deficiency in math, it screwed me when the time came to change schools. But as I said, everyone's experience is different. All I'm saying is that if things went a bit differently for me I would have enjoyed it more. It's fine now that I'm on a path, and that is all that matters. Needless to say, I will live it up since this likely will be it for school for awhile.
  12. Fair enough, but even with not working except for the occasional odd painting job or umpiring gig this summer, I have gotten bored of not having responsibilities. I've offered to start paying for my phone and have asked for my car insurance monthly estimate, but my parents haven't told me what exactly it is. My point is that I want to take on responsibility and do something out in the real world, even if that means living at home and hating my job for awhile in order to save some money and live independently. Ultimately, I want to move or work in the city, but that's just me.
  13. Kinesiology 149 Philosophy 208 - Philosophies of Life MGMT 332 - Organizational Theory/Behavior MGMT 325 - Leadership in Organizations MGMT 320 - Human Resource Management STBE 337 - Stats for Business/Econ After this semester, I will only have 2 semesters left of undergraduate work. I can't be more thrilled about that!
  14. Stone sounds good even though he is talking quite a bit. It's great to not have to listen to Hawk for a day!
  15. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 14, 2010 -> 03:56 PM) he was never dead, Kevin Spaceys character kept him barely alive with drugs and minimal nourishment to extend the torture for his sin. Good movie, dont know why it would strongly objectionable Not a big fan of the movie, I can't handle s*** like that. Should have recommended the Dark Knight instead.
  16. Last night I strongly objected to watching Seven with a group of friends, as certain scenes of the movie just give me the creeps. Specifically the following: -The third of the sins that they uncover, where the sloth is mutilated and comes back to life while diseased. -When they uncover the lust sin, it shows a guy who is yelling "get this thing off of me" and then tells the story of what happens when he has sex with the prostitute. -When the wife's head gets cut off at the end and Brad Pitt's character knows his unborn child is dead, too.
  17. QUOTE (Felix @ Aug 9, 2010 -> 10:22 AM) I actually didn't decide on sports for awhile for that exact reason. I started off thinking of doing some sort of academic major, as I wanted to leave sports as a hobby for my spare time instead of turning it into work. However, I really don't regret my decision at all, regardless of the ridiculous hours I've put in and will continue to put it. It really depends on the person, and if you don't think you want to be "married to your job," then I would definitely suggest looking at a different field. This is why I'm getting a degree in Business instead of sports management or journalism. As time goes by, I wonder if I truly want to work in something that could control my life. I don't want sports to be my life, but I figured that I would try getting into the field while I was 23 (after graduating college) instead of never doing so and regretting not even trying. I gave journalism/broadcasting a go, and I do not regret doing so. It really is all about finding something that works for you, and maybe a 9-5 job is what I could do.
  18. QUOTE (Felix @ Aug 5, 2010 -> 11:34 AM) I just graduated as a sports management major with a communications minor with the ultimate career goal of Vice President of Communications (obviously some 15-20 years down the line). Two of the three unpaid internships I did were in media relations departments, while the third was in promotions for a team known for their promotions. The full-time position I got for the upcoming season is also in media relations. It's a seasonal internship, but if you want to get a permanent position with a team, they generally require you have at least two to three years of media relations experience, so a seasonal internship is usually necessary. The pay sucks, but if you're looking to get rich quick, starting a career in sports isn't going to do that for you. Not that I have a world of experience as I've just graduated college (and this might be obvious), but I'd advise against being closed-minded in where you're going to work (e.g. wanting to work for the White Sox). There are a finite number of positions with any given team, and the chances of anyone getting them are slim to none, especially if you're just trying to get off the ground and have no experience in the field. Instead, I'm a firm believer that you should be willing to move anywhere to gain experience toward your ultimate goal, regardless of how you feel about the team/area you'd be. If that means working in Idaho or Alaska, so be it, as long as it's working toward your eventual career goal. I don't know what my ultimate goal is in terms of my job title. One problem that I believe might hurt me is that I'm not graduating from a top school and instead a small, liberal arts institution that isn't well known. Also, I'm not even sure if I'm cutthroat enough to go work in a competitive field like sports - sports journalism and broadcasting were too competitive and I'm sure the corporate world of sports is also extremely difficult to get into. Part of me really wants to get out of college and start finding what it is that I really like to do, even if that means grad school or working several different jobs. It was really difficult to get a summer internship this summer as I applied to seven different places and only got one interview. Maybe they screened me and figured out that I'm not groomed for the marketing position they were looking for, which is why I'm glad I didn't declare a Marketing major). I'm not too worried about money, but I definitely don't want to have to live with my parents much longer after graduation - I would like to move out by the time I'm 24 or 25, depending upon graduate school and what I'm doing then. The problem with me is that I don't really care about sports other than football or baseball, and I can't stand being out in the middle of nowhere. I'd rather be married to a person that I love instead of marrying my job, too. In the next five years all I'm wanting is my college degree, to see if I can work in sports or not, if I should go to graduate school for education, sports management or doing things behind the scenes in media such as video or audio editing, as well as to continue making friends and maybe get back into a serious relationship again as being single gets really old. My goal right now is to complete school in three semesters and to come back to the Chicagoland area, the place that I love the most in the world.
  19. QUOTE (Felix @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 09:40 PM) There are plenty of other ways to get into the business, it's just that sales is the easiest way since there's so much turnover on the staffs. I'm trying to get into sports as well, but I'm not going the sales path. You certainly need to have connections and go through the b**** work for a few years, but it's not that uncommon. I did unpaid internships for three teams (essentially 2 years worth) before finally recently getting a full-time paid internship with a team for the upcoming season. What's your path, educational background, internships and what are you trying to do? QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 5, 2010 -> 07:27 AM) Communications (like Reifert): Undergrad in English, Journalism or communications + working for school in sports + getting very lucky to get one of few media relations positions + be willing to make very little for some time It's so tough because I think more people fit in the communications category than any other, there's not a lot of people who are business savvy or law school bound. I'm taking a different path by doing business and sports communications but if I was to do anything it would have to be a communications position. And if I'm not lucky enough to get somewhere in the media relations department, then at least I have business skills to go corporate. (Spare me!) Internships are helpful, although the White Sox don't hire interns until they have a bachelor's degree under their belt. Interestingly enough, I've heard that if you are in video, web or sound editing, you could find yourself as a hot commodity for one of the sports media positions, especially since everyone wants to be on the camera and very few want to work behind the scenes. I think if it was between paying dues for years outside of large markets or working almost directly in a large market behind the scenes, I'd say the large market with a lot of opportunity.
  20. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 04:17 PM) I had a friend who did this with the Tampa Bay Rays. Try selling season tickets for them, back in 2005-06. Did he ever advance at all? What does he do now?
  21. QUOTE (SnB @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 03:17 PM) Most sports careers start with selling season tickets.... Which is what Boyer told me when I spoke to him in regards to working for the Sox. It's too bad that I probably wouldn't last long in sales, I like people but I'm not that extroverted of a person.
  22. QUOTE (hi8is @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:24 PM) Hey gang... Lately I've been thinking a lot about working for the white sox in their front office. Do any of you have any suggestions as to how I could approch this? Any idea how one gets hired in such a capacity? My background is in marketing communications, Internet development, management, and customer service. I also have a desire to work in sports, primarily with the White Sox or Bears. I'm still trying to discover where exactly I fit, but I know that it is nigh impossible to get a job at the Chicago Tribune (newspaper publishers are laying off like crazy) and I really didn't enjoy reporting when I was working for a paper, so it wasn't a good fit. Being in my school's sports information department, I've been able to do some writing on my own schedule to gain some work experience, while getting an education in Business. I've heard that it is actually easier to go to the ICB and try and get an internship with a sports radio station to get experience than go to college for broadcasting, but I could be wrong. That's the route that Abbatacola and McCaffrey took after college at their institutions (Moody Bible and Missouri), and it has worked out for them. If you don't want to get into programming and are going through this without getting further education, I can only tell you other people's backgrounds. Apparently Scott Reifert obtained a journalism degree at Iowa before getting his Master's in sports management at WIU, and waited three years before he got the job with the White Sox. Boyer went to Notre Dame and I believe worked in sales for the Bulls for several years before going through DePaul's MBA (Sports Management) program to work for the Sox. Maybe it all depends on what kind of position you want, but I know that if I want to work for the Sox, I'm going to probably have to get internships under my belt, whether it be with 670 the Score, AM-1000 or a minor league organization, along with getting a Master's degree in sports management from NIU, where you need an internship to graduate. In tough economic times where the large market media isn't hiring and jobs are competitive, it might take a miracle to get hired. Some of the people I've spoken to were there at the right place at the right time and got hired, but with work experience and the right connections, you could get lucky.
  23. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:43 PM) Don't stop now booooyyys.....ok, even I am getting annoyed, Hawk. Does anyone else feel like Hawk is being a bit creepy when he's saying that?
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