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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Aug 2, 2010 -> 08:27 PM) Bren you're not alone. I believe in marriage. No need to try and convince those that aren't though. To each their own. I believe in marriage, I just found the discussion interesting since I know people have their own views on it. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 2, 2010 -> 08:49 PM) On another note....how important is immediate physical attraction in a relationship, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being of the utmost importance. Important. You can't just sit back and get set up with someone who is not attractive to you. Sex and physical attraction are apart of the relationship and if you don't have that, then how can you possibly expect to keep something going? Friendship and love is not enough, though I'm sure conservatives would disagree.
  2. I know, the question about marriage seems ridiculous but it is widely debated at another forum that I've read. I'm not actually buying into it being just a contract between two people. But with all of the divorce and marriages failing in the US, I do question the concept of marriage, even if I would like to get hitched one day.
  3. Is marriage nothing more than a contract between two people? Oh, and f*** Tim Tebow. He can take his anti-abortion campaign and shove it up his A-S-S.
  4. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 11:59 AM) Isn't Jurassic a confirmed juicer? Also, I'm going to be cryptic, and I've IM'd a mod the name before, but there was at least one other juicer on the 05 team Who was the other guy?
  5. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 05:02 PM) Bernstein is such an arrogant jerk. "No! He's bad! He's bad now! Noooo! He's baaaaaadddd wahhhhhh!" Obviously the caller was an idiot (when calling about Carlos Lee) but I wanted to smack whoever was talking on the show at the time.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 04:09 PM) Don't worry, Edwin Jackson will take care of them! (OPS against Jackson, Jeter .960, AROD 1.389, Swisher 1.346, Teixeira 1.000). I'm sure that Hudson would produce much better results against the Yankees.
  7. Is it silly to assume that we keep Edwin Jackson and then trade something else to get a bat?
  8. I don't have to hear about any fan professing his/her love for Hudson anymore - what a great trade! Well, hopefully KW has something up his sleeve. Otherwise this trade doesn't make much sense.
  9. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 28, 2010 -> 07:23 PM) Dude, stop peeing in girls' mouths. This is why you haven't found "the one" yet. You're so funny. Way to try and bait me.
  10. Think about a girl giving you oral sex. That might help.
  11. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 27, 2010 -> 05:12 PM) You, my friend, need to stop analyzing things. Go get yourself a hooker or something. To hell with it, I hear so much of everyone's opinions day in and day out that it's so difficult to follow through with my desires. I am not just going to be a sitting duck, let life pass me by and not miss out on more than I already have. I've been meeting new people right and left, trying to enjoy myself, and I have been. But I also still would like to exercise my free will and do something instead of sit here listening to people to "sit and wait for things to come around." I don't over pursue or do anything to freak the women out. I'm direct with them, and if there's nothing there, then god damnit, I move on. Sure, I'll get a hooker. That's a great story to tell your kid or future significant other. "Honey, I have slept with a prostitute before. That's the kind of guy I was. I never got tested. Do you think you have herpes?" Screw that crap.
  12. What are your guys' thoughts on "don't go looking for love/lust/a girlfriend, let it/her come find you."
  13. Why would the White Sox re-sign Kotsay or Jones? They aren't anything too special. Is JR wanting to slash payroll again or is there further economic downturn that I'm not aware about that will hinder the Sox from being a competitive looking ballclub next year?
  14. I love this old thread title: "Motherf***ing b****ass passionless White Sox."
  15. I'm beginning to wonder how much worse the Sox would have been this year with Jermaine Dye as the DH or in RF and Quentin DHing. Similarly, I wonder what would have happened if Thome was the DH and not this DH by committee bulls*** that Ozzie spoonfed to Williams. I know, I'm hearing Rongey's voice in the back of my head saying, "There's a reason why 30 teams have passed over Dye," and I'm recalling the argument of, well Thome is a bad choice for a, b and c. But anyway, Kotsay sucks, there's a reason why they traded Anderson for him. Just wondering how the team would have been otherwise, especially if Podsednik was back instead of Pierre, who isn't the worst candidate for the job - at least they don't have 'W' Harris out there. EDIT: I would trade Quentin in a heartbeat.
  16. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 05:01 PM) For some reason, it is always Oakland's stadium that gives us the most trouble out of all the W.C. teams. While it may be true that the Sox are bad in Oakland's stadium, I don't want to hear anyone b**** about the dimensions of it. Yeah some of those balls aren't actually in the playing field in other stadiums or in our house, but there's no excuse for the s***ty play that I've witnessed here, with the exception of Buehrle's win on Friday.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 10:16 AM) Yeah definitely get tickets in the lower deck. Center field deck is worth checking out as well as the Sox greats statues surrounding it. Is the center field deck for private parties only? I walked up there a few times and was told to go away. There must have been private parties both days or some work function up there.
  18. For those of you with Comcast, there is a rebroadcast on Comcast On Demand (Ch. 999). Rick Morrissey was right - if you follow the team, there isn't much to this this show. Interesting material and I'm glad the Sox got picked for this!
  19. QUOTE (DaveBrown85 @ Jul 22, 2010 -> 10:17 PM) Can we do a poll on how much we think a bottle of domestic beer will cost? And if the vortex bottle really does jack s***?
  20. Did anyone record this? I actually want to see a reality TV show - it's amazing. Also, in the preview, they told somebody "it wasn't going to work out." Who was that person?
  21. Did we get any updates in regards to when this is going to be replayed on CSN? I'd love to record this or see if it is On Demand to watch it.
  22. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 15, 2010 -> 07:58 AM) By "overseas," do you mean that he's in the armed forces? If so, stay away from that one. I'm not saying this not because of who the boyfriend is, but I find it very morally reprehensible for someone to cheat on a person who's away serving their country. Yeah, I don't want to do it, actually. She texted me back today and I decided not to respond. I'm probably not going to act on this one, she's kind of a crazy girl/ny*p*o. I had a lot of fun with the girl I went to the beach with today, so we'll see where that goes, even if it is just a friendship. It was a nice connection.
  23. So this summer I've been hanging with a group of people my age who recently have graduated and are back home trying to find jobs in the Chicagoland area. And there's been a girl that I've been attracted to as far as personality goes, though I'm not sure if I'm physically attracted to her yet. Let's just say she's close to Kornikova and I'm looking for Keira Knightley. I also have been texting a different girl off and on, but I feel like I'm attracted to her physically (yes, it is sexting) instead of being attracted to her personality, which still doesn't fit well with me. She's also with a guy and hasn't really been faithful to him while he was overseas, so I'm thinking I should go with girl #1 over this skank, even if it is just getting to know someone. So maybe I'll just go to have fun with the girl whose personality I find attractive tomorrow and let the skank bot slide a bit, eventually catching up with her web of lies.
  24. I like going to Another Round in Downers Grove, and I find that a lot of people in the targeted age group go to B-Dubs on route 53 near Lisle. Not a big fan of Naperville's scene, however.
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