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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. I couldn't help reading this thread and remembering a scene from Billy Madison: Janitor: Miss Libby's car...is green...Billy likes to drink soda! Yeah, I've been cutting back recently on the pop because I just find Gatorade tastes better and milk is better for you than pop with pizza. I can't stand water unless I'm umpiring on a hot day and it's what I need to keep my mouth hydrated.
  2. I would do it, and wear my Sox jersey out there, then promptly leave the piss hole.
  3. The Beast

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (DBAH0 @ May 15, 2008 -> 05:10 PM) I will be extremely drunk on Saturday. Flip cup at 2, and then an apartment party with a keg that night. Should be interesting. Wait, DBAH0 left out something. Could he possibly already be drunk? Oh, and just for fun, don't you mean 2 girls, 1 cup? (Which, by the way, is absolutely disgusting, somehow my dorm room neighbors loved that link and would blast that on surround sound to annoy everyone on the floor.)
  4. I've heard pop be called sodie before, which was a tad strange, but my friend has a Southern dialect so that might explain something. Kakalash vendor: "Mountain Dew or crab juice?" Homer Simpson: "Eww, I'll take the crab juice." I love Mountain Dew or anything similar to Sierra Mist. However, in recent years I have tried to cut back on pop seeing as though I'm running 3-5 miles each week day and I need my Gatorade or water fluids.
  5. I want to know why Ozzie didn't do this lineup when the team started struggling. It appears to be effective, at least IMO.
  6. The Beast

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 14, 2008 -> 07:03 PM) Why do you keep responding in this thread? If I recall correctly, you were told to keep out. And if you haven't been before, then I am telling you know. Why do you need to keep me out of this thread? I'm not talking about drinking right now. @ Felix: I work when I want to in a much better town than Charleston, IL and I have much more fun with the friends I have here. But hey, that's perfectly fine and it's great you have people you enjoy "doing your thing with" at your college. @ FlaSoxxJim: That sounds nice just working at a music store and eating and stuff, minus the drinking part of that and I'd be set.
  7. The Beast

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ May 14, 2008 -> 06:41 PM) Agreed. my first legal summer I stayed in Champaign instead of going home to Chicago and it was one of by best summers ever. I worked two jobs, drank like a fish, played a lot of music, saw a lot of music, and only had to make one trip to the ER for stitches. Great summer. I guess it all depends upon what you want to do during summer then.
  8. The Beast

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (Felix @ May 14, 2008 -> 05:35 PM) Being at college over the summer is awesome. I don't get why people go home, it's so much better on campus. I stayed here last summer, and it was amazing. Of course, this summer I'm going to be out in Utah working, but still... Uhm, I go home because there's an assload of things more to do back home and the people back home actually do things. I guess it depends on what area you are in but I wouldn't want to be in the poverty-ridden town of Charleston, IL. My favorite source of entertainment is the card store and that's 10 miles away. Not to mention I don't have a car, so that sucks too. Anyway, things couldn't be better here at home.
  9. Leadoff hitters are overrated.
  10. Damn, things were looking good until I stopped watching and checked back later when it was 6-4. Then it became 10-4 and then it was a 10-7 final. It's a shame that it was such a slug fest but I guess that's what we'll have to expect out of Buehrle this year. Something just isn't right about him this year, I hope it won't rip open discussion (or more likely b****ing) about giving him that extension last year. Let's go take the next 3.
  11. This makes me feel even better: http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/news/artic...sp&c_id=cws
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 8, 2008 -> 06:14 AM) Its free for the softball game, and if you want to do a patio party, you would have to pay for that. What's the damage on the patio party?
  13. QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ May 7, 2008 -> 06:28 PM) How much would it be? We have to pay to play? Damn. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 7, 2008 -> 07:08 PM) I would, but unfortunately im only 17 years old. Who cares if you are 17? You can outrun the rest of the old men out there.
  14. Why in the hell should Owens get playing time over Swisher?
  15. Do you guys need an umpire? I could play or umpire if necessary.
  16. Go buy some grass seed and re-structure the yard.
  17. I want my 3 minutes and 40 seconds back, lol.
  18. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 29, 2008 -> 03:09 PM) Stupid how? Like how more people die from tylenol each year than marijuana? No, IMO, it's stupid because Marijuana is illegal. But you know, that won't hold up with people.
  19. Done. I wanted to show that newspapers are a dying breed.
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 29, 2008 -> 11:19 AM) If it so bothers people that the drinking age is 21, then why don't you make use of a real, actual RIGHT - and get involved in the political process to elect officials who agree with you? Finally, someone had to say it. QFT, solid post.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 02:21 PM) Dont even get me started on that..... I think it's a stupid debate, but that's just me.
  22. Just to clarify my original post: -It was a home run ball but it was in batting practice. -I actually never "yelled" the term assclown, but I did say it as I turned and walked away. "You got had to make a point of calling out everyone about the bad calls in the Cleveland series, and how they talked about the umpires for enforcing the rules, yet here you are acting JUST like the same people you called out in that thread." No offense here, but I really couldn't understand what you said in this sentence until I read it over a few times. So you view me as a hypocrite. Fine. But I'm not sure everyone else does. I certainly don't think any of what I said goes hand in hand with anything else.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 01:44 PM) So its OK when you break the rules, but not the underage drinkers. That's a pretty big bowl of hypocrisy you are serving up there... What rules am I breaking? Please show me some proof from the ballpark rules. How does that even compare to underaged drinking? QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 01:51 PM) You got mad at a security guard for giving a ball to a kid? I don't know, the fact that he looked at us first and then gave the kid the ball made us angry. That wasn't what made me angry with this guy---this guy has told people to move with lack of reasoning before. (I'm one of the people who go seek autographs on the third base side before the game and always get out of the way of the folks who have seats there.) QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 01:59 PM) Are you really comparing calling the manager's name to underage drinking? I'm not even certain their is a rule about it, I imagine it's more etiquette and common sense. QFT. QUOTE (Jim Spencer @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 03:56 PM) Is he the older gray-haired man that works the Bull-pen Sports bar area? If so you'd be happy to know some retard threw a beer in his face last night. Oh yeah, the retard never got to see Crede win the game in the 9th No, this guy works in the White Sox bullpen and I've seen him near the dugout a few times---he also works near the third base line. I wish I had a picture since I'm sure several people would be able to identify him. I've had nothing but positive experiences with all of the other security guards.
  24. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 07:23 PM) Funny that a couple of alcohol-related threads have appeared today (someone's birthday). What is that supposed to mean?
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