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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:16 AM) Feeling a bit sluggish today, I'm just going to c & p my post from the Offical thread. Hope you don't mind Ross. 4. I met up with Aaron Rowand outside Houlihan's for a few minutes. We talked about his new contract and how his wife didn't have to work anymore, Ozzie, and all things Sox. Aaron was a genuinely nice guy and took a considerable amount of his time to speak with me. Dude has some pipes! 5. The Q & A session was very upbeat and positive. Both Steff and Aboz behaved themselves and Kenny was flabbergasted by all the love. All in all, it was a first-class experience. The posters at Soxtalk were great in person, Beastly and I had a good time at the Q & A and it was a great way to interact with other Sox fans. I couldn't recommend Soxfest any more. Its k...thats good to hear Rowand's wife doesn't have to work, there are labor laws against that, I'd like to say that I behaved myself too, ain't that the truth Ian? And you met Steff, so thats even better, right? Steff was quite jumpy over the fact that in the summer I wanted them to throw at Sammy's head, which was extreme, so I did behave this time =) It was fun at that session...Ian gave some real good insight and we shared some good laughs about idiot fans and the "rivalry between beastly and aboz". I wish i coulda met Gage, called him once but nadda...thats k though I'll meet him eventually. All in all, it twas fun
  2. QUOTE(Chisoxmatt @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:07 AM) I got a rowand game used bat for 75 bucks at the garage sale. I got Dye and podsednik's autographs, I saw Man Soo Lee at the garage sale, and i went to the family seminar, and the Q&A thing. Very fun day. Edit: I saw your box of nerds in the worlds crappiest newspaper. lol...yep, i got a jersey and a thomas game used hat
  3. share some of ur experiences...heres mine Left school friday early to go to the fest...got a call to get 3 wrist bands...(I needed to get 3 already) and so we left to the hyatt. Parked the car in the adjacent garage and walked over to the fest. Didn't get such a bad spot in line and got a call from dougly. Minnesota soxfan is annoying, and so i talked to him for a bit, as I hung up on him jk...I went into the Crede/Podsednik line and Dad went into the Dye/Raines line. I shopped for a bit and we left shortly after because the autographs past that sucked, so we went to Bennigans across the street and got dinner. Was a little worried that no one from soxfest would call...but I knew some1 would. We didn't stay at the hyatt, so we went to our hotel on the 24th floor in the Mariotti turned it in for the night and woke up...we walked back to the hyatt in the morning and i started the morning out by getting in line for AJP...after shopping and eating of course...was done quickly after waiting for an hour and a half in the front of the line...met up with a soxtalk poster...finally, and we went to see kenny, ozzie and hawk...so i wake up this morning and look in the trib...on page 15 i appear in it...my backpack and my box of nerds can be shown in a small picture...anywho, the poster and I talked some good baseball and had some laughs...saw aboz, ss2k4...and he wanted to meet the 'infamous' steff...so he did, i don't think she knew if that was me or not...i did have my soxtalk tag on, so check ur tribs, i'm the guy with a red back pack on the right of the focused picture.. thats all...lol
  4. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 01:55 AM) anyone still want to have the tournament? I'd love to. PM me to play sum time...
  5. Steff walked right by me as did SS2k4 but at least I'd know how I'd line up against them in the flesh, lol Aboz isn't so tough like he thinks he is... Green Font, =)
  6. Addison and I were like, its the infamous Steff, she's so after him today.. Although I don't think she noticed me. I saw all of you guys, but and I wore a name tag, but no hellos other than my buddy Ian.
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 06:12 PM) Kenny probably thought it was a sneak attack. That Steff was lulling him in, only to have a gang of soxtalk posters take him down. ss2k4, me, addisonsox, and aboz would pin him and then steff would b**** slap him, lol
  8. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 05:56 PM) Completely different than last year. Kenny had to think he was in a different room. Steff was praising, and KW remembered her. Love for Brooks Boyer. Some old guy behind me made a comment that Steff must be Reisndorf's wife or something. They guy must not of been at soxfest last year. LOL. It was a love fest at that seminar today.
  9. There were a lot of idiots that I just wanted to smack and say "shut up b****!" cuz they really were just rambling... but soxtalks own steff gave lots of credit...
  10. Yeah I wasn't thinking if he was at soxfest that he wouldn't be in the organization... I like Jamie, I really do. I'm glad we landed him a couple ST's ago.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxmatt @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 05:01 PM) Soxfest was awesome. Did anyone here ask a question at the Q&A session today. I dont know what anybody looks like. I know Steff did... But you know, it was a Kenny Williams love fest! Everyone for the most part really loved Kenny! Saw Aboz too...but we know how he feels about me...
  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 04:17 PM) Just wanted to give a few quick observations: 1. Uribe is NOT overweight. 2. I've managed to keep Gage in line, for the most part. 3. Pierzynski seemed to have a great attitude and a lot of good things to say about joining the organization, as did Podsednik. 4. And most importantly, there have been plenty of "fresh nugs" for all at Soxfest. Posting from the Apple Store on Michigan Ave, so I've gotta go. aboz Aboz, saw you at the fest. I left early...wish I coulda met Jason, met up with my buddy addison...and got a prank phone call from dougly...more to come later
  13. Made my name tag, i'll be the only one...lol
  14. The people who wanted to meet up with me...I will be bringing the phone with me. I'm looking to see if any of you want to go and meet up while either in line or while shopping. Whatever. Just want to meet ppl. So if u wanted my cell phone number, please PM me.
  15. thats it... others...refer to my post...i'm looking for saturday tickets.
  16. I need tickets for saturday (2)...whose got em? PM me... If you are going up friday night...we can meet you and pay you for the tickets. I'll include something special if u have them cuz I doubt we can get them :headshake EDIT: ALSO...for the people who want to meet up with me and haven't given me a PM back...please do. I will need some1 to make a printable name tag too...does anyone know where the one is from the other thread that we had made?
  17. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Jan 12, 2005 -> 12:29 AM) What time is check-in on friday? Also, what are some of you guys bring with to have autographed? Well opening ceremony starts at 5...530 is the autographs, i'm hoping to get there early enough with some hw, cd's and gameboy to pass the time so we can get in the front of the line... I usually get pictures while dad's in line for stuff and run to my line...its quite simple. Bats, cards, baseballs (official ones) are great...
  18. friday for me... Stage Three 5:30 Dye shopping... dads going to get paulie at 530... after 530 everything seems to suck majorly theres like no good new autographs but i'll have my cell on me to meet any of you and saturday. saturday 10:30 Jermaine Dye, Scott Podsednik First 500 autographs 1:00 Freddy Garcia, AJ Pierzynski First 500 autographs If u want, PM me before friday...then we can get a meeting time and such in the line or something and i'll let you know what i'm wearing to soxfest. throw me a PM, cuz i wanna meet a few of ya's, either at the fest, or in the lobby. drinks are on me EDIT: I'm going to wear a name tag, I don't think its silly.
  19. The Beast

    pain and death

    QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 08:25 PM) I dunno, I kinda think being Newspaper Editor is a pain in the ass more than Bball....lol for someone who doesn't like working out LOTS, and getting up early and who believes in living a healthy lifestyle, varsity isn't for me. I'm going to have lots of fun, cuz writing really comes easy to me.
  20. The Beast

    pain and death

    QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 08:17 PM) Trust me man, just try to be involved as much as you can and have fun. High school and college are 2 of the best times of your life. When you get into the real world, like I did recently, you will realize how much you miss school. being the sports writer/editor at our school will give me a voice that will last with me for sometime. memories of 2 years with football will be good too. i'm just not committed to 6:30 practices all summer with no fun at night... and you know? radio is going to be sweet! i'm already getting some notices from colleges for my shows. (i dunno how, but it happens)
  21. The Beast

    pain and death

    I don't think I'm going to play football next year. Too many sacrifices, I guess. There's much more to life as a teen for the last 2 years before college than high school sports. I think next year with my schedule somewhat packed and...journalism and radio (writing for the paper and broadcasting) will be very fun. Its just sometimes hard, you know? or not?
  22. The Beast

    pain and death

    QUOTE(hi8is @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 08:06 PM) u like the mars volta or coheed and cambria at all? i wouldnt really classify tool as metal but, to each his/her own still a little depressing.
  23. The Beast

    pain and death

    QUOTE(hi8is @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 07:55 PM) sounds like some good ol' TOOL - third eye would be a good song for you to listen to right now. Metal isn't what I'm listening to because that actually made me more depressed. I guess you could say I'm an emo/rock kid...(only emo because of my towns local band FIAD)
  24. The Beast

    pain and death

    It all happens to the best of us, man. Personally, I haven't been happy since 2000. I've had some times that I've been happy, but bullies, ex-gf's and haters have ruined the teen part of my life. I refuse to drink or smoke, though I wouldn't say I nearly would have tried it. I believe that its immoral to do so, even if it is in the form of having a good time at a party. Pain in my life usually occurs once every two weeks and lasts for quite some time. I find that by talking with friends and my parents that things work out, but a counselor always helps. Sometimes I'm lonely too, and that can lead to a bunch of random badness of depressed feelings. I think Metal and harder music isn't that good for me right now, so I think I've been switching over to softer "question everything" music... Thats kinda it, and it is how it is.
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