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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. And thats all we can ask for, Zero. Treat her right, my gf and my 1 month is tomarrow. Getting her a rose to suprise her.
  2. Dad and I were talking about this the other day when I told him about what I did. He said that not only do they feel insecure about themselves, but they also are like, whoa, Ross kicked the kids ass, stay away from him... So if I'm happy with my friends and they leave me alone, I'm happy.
  3. bro... I've learned not to sell myself short because I know I'm better than the rest of those who think they are so much bigger and better than me. I'm smarter than him. I'm satisfied with what I have right now. My girlfriend and I are happy and are having our 1 month anniversary tomarrow. So I could say that without people being assholes to me, things are good. Proud of you for quitting weed. Drinking and smoking aren't moral for this age. Oh, and seriously, why can't u teens out there stick to the 6 month, 1 person rule when you get your license?
  4. If they aren't, then don't break the core we have of hitters and pitching. I'm so sick of us losing because of losing what we are missing. Get someone, pay the money and win. thats all what i want to see.
  5. The Beast

    Working Out

    I started some weight program at my school before school... taken from Nebraska football's offseason work program I do 3 sets of bench, squats, hang cleans, dead lifts and necks, so there is both aerobic and anaerobic things involved.
  6. Mr. Zero Right on, dude. Seriously, I'm happy to see people send messages to the jocks and ghetto kids. They are annoying and many blame things on the most stupid things. They sit there and make stupid inside jokes with their dumbass friends and laugh hysterically at the most stupid things, and so if they are like this and wear hollister or abercrombie and are assholes or b****es to me, they are pretty much jocks. I can't stand when all the kids talk when I'm trying to get my work done, I feel like yelling and saying, "why don't you all shut the f*** up?" I joined radio because football seemed to be all for jocks, which most certainly I am not apart of. All the jocks get hot women, what the hell is that, seriously? Thats so bulls*** I can't stand it. I don't find gothic or punk women particularly hot. What you did was right, I too have dealt with a kid recently, (yesterday) and I punched him in the face too. Comes up to me when I'm walking home, had a bad day and just wanting to listen to my Metallica. I do so, but not after some moron comes and sarcastically yells at me "Give me some crack, now give it to me!" So I push him to the side and punch him in the face, with my class ring on my finger that I wear...so it wasn't pretty for him. As he's on the ground realizing what he messed with, as I walked home and random people who hate me look at me, stunned. "Oh, I better stop being an asshole to the big guy, look what he'll do to me!" Beastly=6 foot 3, 190 lbs.
  7. Roland Hemond on right now...not sure who is listening to him...
  8. I feel like going back to finishing these questions...I hate when they bring in people I don't care to hear in to speak. I want to hear Kenny, JR, and Ozzie. Others, i don't care about. Why can't they take callers and discuss off that? I'd like that much better.
  9. A free agent. Thats who. JR needs to open up his fricken wallet.
  10. Gregg Walker on now. I really do not want Vazquez, because he's dominant and then he's not. We don't need another Contreras.
  11. The guy who is calling is thinking the cubs would be able to get Pierzynski as a bench player
  12. Pisses me off because just a few years ago, it was a majority White Sox station, where you rarely heard from Chicago Cub fans. Blah, this makes me sick.
  13. Restless fans who are too excited and disappointed at the same time, Jim, like me. Ordonez being gone is going to be hard on me. And if we don't get someone better than Harris, I'm going to be extremely angry if they don't. But your right. 6 weeks.
  14. Clement, likely to get arbitration from Cubs, may sign with Cleveland or Philly... White Sox too, but you know how that goes. Staying on the subject of cubs, go get your coffee and come back in 5 minutes.
  15. I was thinking about calling in, but I didn't want to just yell and not get a point across. God dammit, we can't even afford a foulking infielder at 2,000,000+
  16. Glad he's not coming. I don't want him, it would never happen anyway.
  17. I'd really like to keep Davis, I don't like Robinson at all.
  18. The Beast

    hey santo=dorf

    Hey...I don't know how to determine this one yet so I'm not saying anything about Trolling. But there is a reason we have my controls on the boards...as in you can compose a personal message to him... Thats all. welcome, i guess.
  19. Eh...I'd say no. Last year I got my ex gf gifts and I plan on getting my gf gifts...its not a hassle for me to give something to the girl I love, now or is it?
  20. clement, beltran, drew, dye, garciaparra, diaz, blanco, kline, lieber, loaiza, lowe, matheny, mendoza, Morris, nenn, ordonez, pavano, Polanco, Radke, Renteria, varitek walker wright any one or few of those guys would do our team well. thoughts?
  21. Seriously, I'd like to find people if we don't have a clear meeting spot...
  22. I'll have to agree with both posters here... You lose a lot of respect when you call out the individual when he or she may be wrong.
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