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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. I'd like a two year deal with him. Bring him in instead of Walker or Renteria, if we can get the money. Good news...i guess, I don't really like this guy... Thoughts?
  2. Aha! But who is worse? Borchard or Escobar?
  3. Makes me remember my ever so terrible thread I made long ago... :headshake
  4. I'm so slow... Gross Words Per Minute (GWPM): 72 Net Words Per Minute (NWPM): 69
  5. The Beast


    Running the 5k Jim Bonfield run in the morning, coming back and then playing in the innagural turkey bowl...football...watching the bears and eating, not a bad day...
  6. I think people have gotten too straight forward on this board and there should need to be some excitement...literally, any humor should be accepted as long as there is no harm involved, which I clearly see there is none... Its kind of funny, and you know who cares where a thread goes anyway, theres too many other threads that aren't hijaked...so why complain?
  7. 8:17 AM Sunday: JimH calling... "I'd like to b**** at Terry some more..." 8:24 AM: "He's a piece of s***."
  8. Maybe you two should just kiss, makeup, and have a beer...
  9. what about the skipper, gilligan and the millionaire...plus the wife and the movie star...
  10. Oh, its not in bold, TQ could steal your quote from you!
  11. Eh, 16 million for 1 year... My answer Hell no.
  12. Yep, two old guys bickering at each other... "Oh, you stole my idea on Clement?" "Oh, oh! You stole my idea on the payroll." Is that you, Kenny Williams? Or two middle aged white boys acting like fools...
  13. And I'm at home running a temp, wondering how two old chaps are still getting hot chicks...
  14. Does quickman have a friend near him by the name of Jack Daniels? Is that what you are referring to Jim?
  15. Did I mention you two are grown men who are acting like a bunch of babies?
  16. Ick...86 year old men doing that? :puke
  17. I really didn't like it when I heard his name floating around is... 16 million for a guy who won't lead us into the playoffs isn't worth it. sign free agents...don't bother dealing...yet...
  18. :puke I think i'm going to be sick...
  19. Uh, IIRC, Borchard was released from the Mexican League... He blows, he should pull a Ricky Williams from baseball and go to football.
  20. I think that wasn't his point...I really think what he means is he sucked in the year and previous years.
  21. The Beast


    Remember those two guys who went out and killed people through the car window in DC?
  22. Quality Post, Jim... Now if we could find the lurking quickman around here....
  23. I think no one showed up because they weren't winning much either to overtake Minnesota for 1st place, but thats just me. Also, unrelated to the previous quote...why can't the White Sox be more like Billy Beanes Oakland A's. A low cost, high effective rotation, players who hit for average and OBP...and a team who has smart people like Bill James' (or at least his books) read by the front office...just don't understand that.
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