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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. I'm not classifying anyone...without the correct fact to do so. I need reason in order to do so. I wear some of that stuff sometimes, I do athletics. I wear a few abercrombie shirts. I do well in school. Key word of what you said. "Everyone." That should be "anyone." My math teacher brought up a good point today about teasing/bullying. "If this was all not like this in classes at our school, there may not be all those students who keep it bottled up inside and take it out." Student: Like the Columbine shootings? "Right on the noggin, kid."
  2. I would love to see Yofu up here...Shingo would have someone to talk to! Valdez too.
  3. Let me rephrase that. Preps who make you feel inferior, even though you are smarter than their dumb ass. Ignorant, confident, coaches pet. Also known as Abercrombie, or Aeropastle kids. (Spelling error) They like rap...no respect for others music tastes whatsoever. Oh yeah, and did I mention they don't give a s*** who you are, they'll make fun of you.. Needless to say there are some nice people who hang in the popular group.
  4. Pretty much you were right on that one about the prep and guy who wears several attire so you don't realize what he is... I hate preps too. Yes, you are also right on being soxfans, but wow, I'm suddenly mature? I feel special. Thanks for noticing a change, Zero.
  5. My radio teacher lets us do that. She's so laid back, we can say whatever swear, and lets us do whatever we want as long as we do what she does. And then I ditch lunch and RC to do my radio show or sleep in the station.
  6. Now really, is it YOUR US History class? Nope, its Mr. Pikelny's. Sorry bud. Anyway, seriously, cut that s*** out, I need to learn, and not see your laughing face everyday. Lucky ass, sitting next to one of the hottest girls in the class.
  7. How many players can we carry? 25, right? I do know rosters are expanded, but to what? I'd love to see Yofu and Valdez come up and play for us, but Yofu may be a little out of contention for a roster spot.
  8. Really? I like high school, but this year is full of work. And with football it is going to be a little bit more difficult. Hopefully college is awesome...
  9. Oh, the St. Patty's day ones? Hey, lets all make this thread in green. No can do, I play football on friday nights.
  10. Do you think it would be worth signing Estey for a 1 year, 1 million dollar contract to be the 5th starter next year? Or is he returning to his old self, in which we shouldn't take a gamble on him.
  11. Back to school today...short day. I go to study hall only to find the rule that we cannot have walkmans in study hall anymore, and so their policy sucks. Second period I go to journalism, in which at least I am liked by a teacher, and yay! We get our first homework assignment! Not hard though, I'm already done. I am going to third period...I walk in, and all of a sudden, I find a familiar face. Why, it is soxtalk.com's Cubssuck1 smiling hysterically and laughing...I just sat down... I get lost along the way to 4th because some people can't walk very fast and then in 5th I am lucky enough to relax in gym for 20 minutes. 6th period, my favorite part of the day, was moved to the auditorium. Finally, crimes and misconduct is nearly going to be gone at my alma mater, DGS. So we sit there and see a pissed off dean and a smiling principal. 7th and 8th, English and Math respectively, were very easy and laid back teachers. And so here I am, waiting for 3:00 to roll around for football practice. What a day already for the first day of school...hope tomarrow is better... Anyone else want to share their first day of school? Come on, its show and tell here, children!
  12. cwsox is gone...or so we hear... as for steff, I hope she can get through the death in the family... and terry? well he's been meticulous of details on his whereabouts as of late...
  13. Nuke, why should it matter anymore, man? We are out of this race. Let the youngin's play, seriously.
  14. I think it protects vulnerable posters with the name calling or people being made fun of. This is a good idea. Post Etiquette. I like it.
  15. If this happens, do you realize how much of a hell hole we will be in next year? It will be like Bill Murray said in Ghost Busters "cats and dogs, living together! Mass Hysteria!" No one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can replace him from our current organization. And if you even think about a free agent outfielder, you are crazy. Magglio will stay. 1-No one will take a chance on that knee. We don't know if he can play again! 2-Arbitration. I'm sure Kenny Williams will offer Magglio something. 3-Who will you replace Magglio with? Replace him with Borchard, you will see the Sox underacheiving again yet again, next year.
  16. Masoaka was a burn out after 2001. Barry/Berry isn't with the Sox anymore. Majewski was in the Rauch Deal. Baldwin has been with several other teams.
  17. If you let those two walk, there is no way anyone can replace Maggs numbers on this team. Jose can be replaced.
  18. JD Drew? Are ya kidding me?
  19. I'll jump on the Renteria bandwagon. I think he would fit Guillens team better than Jose would.
  20. You pervert... dammit, makes me wonder where you got that from...
  21. Oh, and Vince. Thank you for all of your insight. I think you are such a honerable man. Email me if you want, or if I ever see you on AIM i'll IM you. Sorry it had to end this way, my friend. Heres to hope this won't be your last stay at soxtalk.com
  22. I think that would be a good idea, just because it would make perfect sense. Just so people could see how it goes with being a moderator.
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