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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Nuke, why should it matter anymore, man? We are out of this race. Let the youngin's play, seriously.
  2. I think it protects vulnerable posters with the name calling or people being made fun of. This is a good idea. Post Etiquette. I like it.
  3. If this happens, do you realize how much of a hell hole we will be in next year? It will be like Bill Murray said in Ghost Busters "cats and dogs, living together! Mass Hysteria!" No one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can replace him from our current organization. And if you even think about a free agent outfielder, you are crazy. Magglio will stay. 1-No one will take a chance on that knee. We don't know if he can play again! 2-Arbitration. I'm sure Kenny Williams will offer Magglio something. 3-Who will you replace Magglio with? Replace him with Borchard, you will see the Sox underacheiving again yet again, next year.
  4. Masoaka was a burn out after 2001. Barry/Berry isn't with the Sox anymore. Majewski was in the Rauch Deal. Baldwin has been with several other teams.
  5. If you let those two walk, there is no way anyone can replace Maggs numbers on this team. Jose can be replaced.
  6. JD Drew? Are ya kidding me?
  7. I'll jump on the Renteria bandwagon. I think he would fit Guillens team better than Jose would.
  8. You pervert... dammit, makes me wonder where you got that from...
  9. Oh, and Vince. Thank you for all of your insight. I think you are such a honerable man. Email me if you want, or if I ever see you on AIM i'll IM you. Sorry it had to end this way, my friend. Heres to hope this won't be your last stay at soxtalk.com
  10. I think that would be a good idea, just because it would make perfect sense. Just so people could see how it goes with being a moderator.
  11. That makes me unsure about my future, because I know that all of my old posts are through with, I will never make another one of those posts, but I am concerned about being banned if I am in a heated debate over something that I strongly believe in.
  12. I'm glad that the thread has been open. I believe that when open, no one is to be silenced or censored for what they have to say on this. Its good for the site. Yes, I do believe Vince should say something. But that is just me.
  13. Thank you, I'm a comedian, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitresses.
  14. ...Chiming in... Isn't the message board supposed to let people express opinions?
  15. Agreed. With the new information arising and the post of FlaSoxxJim regarding dyslexia, I now see no meaning for him to be relieved of his duties as a soxtalk.com admin. I do not speak for the people of this site, my above statement is IMHO. But hey, I'll never be a moderator, so I might as well shut my trap.
  16. Congrats to our first international moderator DBAHO! Fosters, Australian for beer.
  17. I'm curious. How can you abuse power of closing threads, pinning threads, and banning people (which I don't think Vince decides)? Seriously, Vince is always there to be able to give advice, welcome the new users, and wish everyone a happy birthday. A great man he is as well. Though this is off subject, Vince sent me a PM giving me great advice that I use today. I read some of his work he wrote. It was a long paper. But you know what? I read all 21 pages of it. As a writer; (though all the doubters can screw off) I know that people who have talent do not struggle to write such long, yet, quality papers. Vince takes his writing to the next level, and I was sure with his admin duty, he would take soxtalk.com to the next level too. Was I wrong?
  18. The Beast


    I went off for a bit. Then I came back on, Andrew.
  19. Jim brings up MANY good points here. I agree with everyone of them.
  20. I'm sure I've seen posts about hating beastly... Honestly, I hope cwsox remains as a poster here. I look forward to reading him every time I get on soxtalk.com. He inspires me as a person and he is a great friend.
  21. I would not pay over 16 grand to sit and watch the Sox, sorry. :headshake plus you would be sitting by yourself for 16,000. 32 if you want to sit with a friend. Bet ya they are sold out, and I would love that because then it frees up other seats for grunts like me. TQ, I think Dad wants to split with you for season tickets. (Jumps and dances for excitement)
  22. WSF1 is going to be pissed off then...
  23. how did you get your press pass, future sox employees?
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