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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. If we did any trades, all you moaners would be able to whine about getting rid of someone you cared for.
  2. Right now all I want to hear when I turn on the radio October 4th is "The White Sox are Central Division Champions."-John Rooney (2000 Season)
  3. They will not fire Ozzie Guillen. I forsee him as a manager with the capabilities and power of Tony LaRussa.
  4. You touch that animal and I'll leave a bruise on your face the size of a damn quarter!
  5. The Beast

    Bye kids...

    Steff, How did you hook up with a few of these people? Season ticket holder connections? Boy, if only I could sit in their dugout for one inning, that'd be the day.
  6. Okay. 6 straight losses. I'm taking this lightly only because I am viewing this differently than most people. It is a test-a test that the White Sox can choose to pass or fail...that will lead them in the right direction to the post season, or to the gutter. I really can't see why we are all dropping dead on a losing streak. Minney has had one. The Cubs have had one. Cincinatti has had one. We are only 4-5 games back of a Red Hot Minnesota team. Wow. We suck. Lets call it quits with 2 months left in the season. Lets go White Sox!!! I will cheer you on until you are mathematically eliminated!
  7. Well. Met many White Sox players. Saw Melton in the bathroom at soxfest, (how nice.) Met Dave Wills' boss, Len Weiner, the program director at ESPN Radio 1000. Met Dan Mcneil at the White Sox/Cubs game. Met Ozzie Guillen in person and watched him and my brother face off in a traveling baseball game. I knew a player by the name of John Lackaff who played in the White Sox organization for a couple of summers. Met Rick Hahn at Soxfest, who led me to Kenny Williams after I wanted to ask questions about the White Sox.
  8. Tonight: Thunderstorms. Low 69F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Rainfall may reach one inch. Tonights weather in Detroit.
  9. I really want to hear an update about people who are out. The way I see it is, if you bad mouth Kenny for not making your moves, when it is his team, not yours, you need to cram it with wallnuts and also be considered out. We know your b****ing and complaining like you got it so tough, were sick of all your crying will you shut the f*** up?
  10. Money is really not an issue. Kenny Williams is showing us what he wants to do. He already got the White Sox the much needed starter in Freddy Garcia, and the 3rd outfielder (when Thomas gets back) in Carl Everett. We b****ed, he went out and got something. What else do you want, Big Jurassic? A cookie? Here's an oreo. Maybe he is happy with what he has. You should be happy too, count your f***ing blessings on this team. All I think the White Sox would need is a catcher or a relief pitcher.
  11. I'm going to have to agree with him on this one.
  12. Loduca AND Mota? Wow. That really has got to suck for LA, seems like they could be screwed now. Or do they have another catcher?
  13. Just for the sake of meeting Steff and knowing Terry, I'm not going to say anything about this comment...
  14. I mean, yes with all due respect to Mr. Williams he is doing a hell of a job with the White Sox. But Cliff Floyd for the next top 5 prospect? No way. It is almost unheard of in some instances, trading a high priced retiree, for a minor leaguer who has so much potential. Yes, minor leaguers have a 50/50 chance of making it to the big leagues, but for a washed up veteran? No. Its not good for business. Adding more money onto the payroll does not help the White Sox much. Secondly. Why do you need another outfielder? Wouldn't you much rather have a position player like a catcher or a middle infielder who is versatile? I just don't understand this trade, other than the fact of blocking Minnesota from getting Benson.
  15. The Beast

    Bye kids...

    Stay Safe, Steff. Enjoy your trip, and say hello to Comerica for us. Tell the singing vendor to shut up.
  16. 2 errors make you steamy, wsf? They lost as a team. Do not blame Jose. 2 runs? Wow. That was all Jose's fault.
  17. I think we are a little over the edge here, Heather Lee. Hey, hey, enough of that Be Good.
  18. Urlacher is not out for a while. He will be back before Opening day.
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