Upcoming Schedule (brought to you by my cheap refrigerator magnet)
6,7,8 Anaheim (home)
9,10,11 Seattle (home)
Oakland, Texas Cleveland 15-22
Detroit, Minnesota (home) 23-28
Detroit, 20-August 1st.
I wouldn't say anything yet, things could happen, but Seattle and Anaheim will be tough as well as Cleveland.
I finally am not worried about Minnesota!
Jason didn't pay the bills again...
Homer:"We aren't paying for that bill."
Lady: "Fine, then I'll cut off your service."
Homer: "Fine, then I'll cut off your pony tail."
Marge: "Homer..."
Homer: "Quiet Marge...Its called negotiating."
Jason, you run this site for free, a place to hang and read reliable information. You should not apologize for having the main Chicago White Sox Message Board. And I say that with confidence. WSI? Whitesox.com? Uh Uh...Soxtalk...YES
I had the pleasure to be with 3 great people from soxtalk.
I already was with "The Pessimist" quickman, because he had the seats, god bless him, and we had some fun at the game. I still owe him a beer.
I met Miss Steff as well, who was very kind and quiet when she wasn't talking to Terry ...and she was a lot different than I expected her, she was very courteous.
And as for Mr. Koch this, he didn't say much other than Jon Garland is a piece of s***.
Wish I could have met Vince though, because he seems like a honerable man.
You hear that Terry, come back you big baby!
I'd personally like to listen to AM 1000. I love listening to Mariotti and the "Whiner Line." Dan Patrick's show is awesome, yet, I turn off Jim Rome and switch back on to Mcneil, Jurko, and Harry. ("The Tiny one.")
I don't listen to the Score because I hate North. The way they did the Griffey deal thing and other things as well turned me off from listening to them.
Guys, Olivo ain't dead. It sucks that he was treated and traded, but its a business. We can't be so attatched to our players, its a business. In a business people get fired and transferred, it happens.
Not at the moment. Kenny Williams will see how we are going to be doing in the next few weeks, evaluate and go from there. Look toward the trade deadline to get the deal done.