Since I'm a man of few words, I just want to say this.
Steff, I know you have bad blood for me, but I really don't want to be treated this way. If I must, then what good is it coming to the board? I don't see you going after other people with personal attacks. I'm not saying you did in this thread, but since whitesoxin' said it, I said hey, he's right. I'd really like to draw a line, and just say peace, but I'm not sure if you think its possible. I don't enjoy coming on to a place to talk about White Sox baseball and getting offended. Yeah, I may have thin skin but I'm an emotional guy, and I have feelings behind what all you you, (not just Steff) thinks about me. I know quickman and jimh can stand up and talk about me nicely. Maybe Cubssuck1, could chime in too. I have a real problem saying what I mean, and thats why I get in trouble, like last time I got in trouble, I was confused between two VERY different types of people. Thats all I have to say.