If I had the balls to say what I want to say to them I'd say it, but heres what I've came up with.
"Hey guys, referring to the issue of publicity White Sox bashing...you guys are moronic rednecks. Making fun of gay and fat people? Have you been ever called asses or racist? Speaking of which, the Cubs suck. I hope Prior, Wood, and Maddux burn in hell with their rubber arms. If anyone should be bashing anyone, the White Sox fans should be bashing you. Example, the Cubs stole the 7th inning stretch from us, especially when Veeck and Caray started that at old Comiskey Park. You stole Caray and Veeck as well! Shut up about the mascot, at least we aren't corrupt bastards who can BUY players like the Spankees. Oh, and you are number two to Len Weiner and ESPN Radio, and you two are pieces of s***."
That's what'd I'd say to them.