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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Konerko you lazy sack of crap, thats not Ozzie Ball!
  2. If you are going to roll your eyes at me, why don't you explain, aboz?
  3. The Beast

    15 Kids?!?!

    In my family we have 2 sets of twins and 1 older one... the ages? 16, 13, 18...+2 parents=7 ppl...
  4. Oh I didn't and now I'm throwing up immensely
  5. A picture of you so i can find you or a meeting spot would be good...
  6. That is a great offer. Hope Maggs takes it.
  7. There is already an official DGS whiffle ball league made by Robert Brinkman and Derek Radek.
  8. Okay, did I not just hear him say we were overrated in the beginning? Hypocrite?
  9. Before you shrug it off, its a great deal. You may not get autographs, but the photos and talking to the players is always fun...I always conduct a small interview with the player(s)...pictures are pretty decent on the Fuji Film cameras. Space usually is limited and they form lines real fast. Plus you get buy one get one free for tickets, which always helps out with funds for your beer, mt. dew's, nachos and hot dogs... I'll be there and I'll hope to see some of you there, hopefully to meet up as well.
  10. You just had to pose off Derek Radek and Robby Brinkman... AOL hometown or geocities...
  11. Welcome...yeah I was mistreated for saying one of the threads should be moved... welcome aboard
  12. This sarcasm detector is off the charts! Meh, whatever...have fun with posting
  13. Again, What? They are our alter ego...wouldn't you like to have someone close to the organization here or no...you don't like Willzee
  14. What? They are our alter ego...wouldn't you like to have someone close to the organization here or no...you don't like Willzee
  15. Yeah, Piazza isn't catching...the manager moved him to first base...
  16. Thats it...I'm plugging this into those ESPN radio 1000 morons heads that they need to give us some publicity...except for due respect to Len Weiner who actually took time to talk with me about my writing and radio broadcasting in sports interests...I'm calling in tomarrow after the game...I'll just name myself "Beastly in Downers Grove" so you know who it is...we need our publicity!
  17. Munoz maybe if he continues to show his stats at AA...Cotts should get another shot...he's capable, I'd love to see Stewart or Rauch but I doubt it will happen...hey, aren't we forgetting Grilli?
  18. My thoughts: I honestly thought we were in a bad spot, but we would win with a minor injury...we took 3-4 and didn't surrender an injury, and Magglio is better. -Worried about Harris... -Not worried about Rowand, he absolutely tore the cover off the ball today. Overall great effort by the Sox...
  19. The Beast


    Animal Cruelty?
  20. 1. you 2. can 3. put 4. it 5. on 6. the 7. board 8. YEEE 9. -ESSS The way hawk says it...
  21. Really, or at least get Garcia and move Sho or Garland to #5...
  22. Ick...reminds me of Rick White II
  23. The Beast


    I just got over a cold. I thought it was my allergies at first.
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