I just was thinking of some left handed hitters that could be affordable...
Casey, Sean-6.8 mil this year, 7.8 mil next year
Erstad, Darin-7.5 mil, ('04) 8.0 mil, ('05) 8.5 mil ('06)
Anderson, Garrett 5.0 mil
Bernitz, Jeromy
Finley, Steve 6.75 mil
Winn, Randy 3.3 mil
Now in which case of looking for an upgrade...you would most likely shred payroll and get Konerko, Lee and Koch moved. Since we all know KW has been shopping Erstad ever since it was Garland for Erstad. That deal could be still in the works. Hopefully since we know Kenny promised change...and has been looking for a No. 5 starter as well-something that I cannot say change until we see how Cotts do in his opprounity(s)