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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Way to be serious cheat. I tried to say it in a serious manner but with a humorous twist, suh.
  2. That'd suck, having your thing the whole life and finding out your really not a man...ouch!!!
  3. In the words of the wise Terry Quick, "Thats why you aren't playing you piece of s***!"
  4. I was at the game, he wasn't that bad. Hitting 92-95 MPH on the gun without a few walks during his first innings...that sucks? I mean yeah, fly ball city but seriously, he can't suck all that bad, sweet jesus mother of god and all that is holy!
  5. Well I wanted a good 1st mile time, so I got it, then slowed down after that, and like walked a lot, but hey, a good time nevertheless.
  6. Again, this is 4:55 in one mile...cuz it was a five mile run, I wanted a good head start.
  7. Hmm makes me wonder what terror will be filled with next!!! BEGOOD as a moderator, AAAHHH!!!
  8. ran the first mile at my football marathon last sunday...1st mile...started out going 4:55, then got lazy and finished 50 something
  9. Well, 5/13 game thread starts here...2 header 2 day boys. I'm going to go see the game, so we'll have some good luck in game 1. Lets go Sox!
  10. For the past few days, my PC isn't cooperating with the chat, any idea whats up with it?
  11. Brantley doesn't know what he is talking about...he was a washed up old closer who couldn't hit the right side of a barn...jackass...
  12. This is ridiculous. Security is a lackluster there, a laughing stock. I laugh my ass off because its silly. This one in perticular who looks like his ass is his face. He tells me to back off for autographs all the time, but like theres still time before the game to start. That usher who walks on the dugout usually screws it up, like on opening day, when I could have had an Ozzie Guillen autograph, but shes like no, that is for season ticket holders only. I was shocked to have this occur. I really hate the employees at USCF. Even on Opening Day they would not kick these annoying drunken Cub fans out of the fan deck in center field. This one mexican man and another guy were going at it...its not really that moral. They are really hard asses when it comes to foul balls as well. Yes, the young fans deserve balls over the babies and little children who don't appreciate it that much.
  13. Who are you exactly, sir? Ross Meister, 16, Downers Grove, IL
  14. Rap isn't music its just rambling off on random things
  15. The Beast

    First accidents

    Some jackass hit me when I was on my bike. Then tried to say I did damage to his car on the opposite side of the car, jackass...as for car accidents, none to this date
  16. Music CD's reccommended... Black Album Sugar Ray ain't that bad Staind Break the Cycle Any Hendrix Any Zeppelin Any Anthrax Any Slayer Any Megadeth Any Slipknot Any Queen Blink 182's new album Rap=Crap so nah... Jimmy Eat World wasn't so bad
  17. White Sox!!! Baltimore's booty!
  18. Oh, believe me, Jose Valentin is still overrated, but hey, he's getting the job done, so he's still good for his age in my book.
  19. Designating for assignment-Where a player who is without option years remaining, must be sent to the minors, traded, or released by the ballpark within 10 days. That is my definition from what I hear on the Cubune.
  20. I classify them as sexual health, sir. ED I know about, VD i didn't know what that did to you exactly though, and for HIV/AIDS, would were u questioning?
  21. Oh I'm not going to commit suicide. I have friends I just want to be in a group. Maybe you do not need to do have a group but it would be nice. It also would be nice if a perticular person wouldn't think i'm retarted and could talk White Sox baseball normally with me. Honestly, I hate being ridiculed.
  22. Because you can't just go from a 14-12 season and start 0-4!!!
  23. Um, sorry witesoxfan, I was just brought up to respect ppl that way.
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