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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. The Beast

    New job!!!!

    Push mower...it takes me 1:10...
  2. The Beast

    Mario Tennis

    Hey hey now no b**** calling here... Well, I played the game, its okay but I love Mission Impossible, Golden Eye, Vigilante 8, and Blitz.
  3. The Beast

    New job!!!!

    Suburban Lawns...I can't give u a real size, just a little bigger than average.
  4. I know in NFL and NBA drafts you can, but in baseball, can you trade draft picks for major leaguers? I'd want the number 1 pick to select the kind of caliber guy of Prior to command a staff quickly. Thoughts? Answers? Thanks!
  5. I thought he got the ball off his hand, but I could be mistaken. I just thought it was interesting of what the scout said.
  6. The Beast

    New job!!!!

    I recently applied for Dairy Queen and got the job. I now work part time for Dairy Queen and part time for my pool. At my pool I work at I life guard, teach swimming lessons, work at the snack deck and such. I also run a small lawn business for 25.00 a lawn. In addition to that, I also umpire 3-5 games a week. I make about 850 a month.
  7. I want to see Stewart back up here. The kid showed potential before his hand injury. Although others see differently, scouts at the baseball games have recently said that they have been scouting him over Diaz because he is a good gamble. Bring Diaz up as well.
  8. From Rotoworld: Kurt Warner's agent told the AP today that he would be willing to sign a one-year deal for this season. It sounds like Warner will be a member of the New York Giants this season. He's not recommended in any fantasy league.
  9. Yes, that it a pic of the Olsen...
  10. Banner, flag whatever...just an idea...
  11. Works for me if we pay his salary. I don't want to see him play just like I hate seeing Willie Harris play.
  12. Have you noticed that this is only May? He could be a bare necesity to the team who needs a spark in the ass. I'm not being delusional.
  13. I would like to know if anyone would be interested to donate money to make a Soxtalk.com flag that would be used for our gatherings. I could not find anyone last time, so I suggested a soxtalk.com flag...I'd be willing to take donations...anyone with me on this one?
  14. for 5 million? I think yes.
  15. Look, most of the time, athletes do not know what the affects are. Seriously, I know from my reading of National Football League Athlete autobiographies. Example: Brett Favre Great athlete, always burns the Chicago Bears, right? Well he himself had his problems with his painkillers, booze too, and went to rehab. He did not know what affects would take place before hand. Honestly now, this is what I have read.
  16. In my judgement, Valentin's days as a White Sox are over. Heres how I see it: The Mariners, who are in last place in the AL West, need some more hitting. They are stocked with pitching. Yes, they do have a SS already, but Jose could always DH or come off the bench as a utility batsman specialist.
  17. It pays respect to a player who has done things in our system for the past few years. I don't care what any of you think, but whenever I see him pitch, he gets the guys out that he needs to. Not to mention he did not do the WORST in 2000, either. A great success story, he switched to sidearm in the bullpen while fooling around, which added on 10-15 miles per hour on his mph.
  18. Again, same as last time, probably no one.
  19. Should bring up him and Diaz and send Burke and Jackson down. Jackson is a veteran who is in his final years and would probably understand the situation.
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