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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Lets go get them guys, 3 of 4 baby yeah!!! Hopefully your ex banned friend beastly can help our cause tomarrow with some luck! Go Sox!!!
  2. Please, I'm up for some chatter, I was at both games today guys if you want to talk... High points of the day -Caught a foul ball. -Saw a White Sox winner. -Saw passion in players again. -Got Esteban Loaizas autograph on my '04 ball, 2 down, 23 to go. -Ate in stadium club.
  3. I will say that you may want to consider consulting your boss over this. Vending isn't the best place to start out IMO. Are you much of a writer or photographer? I'm not calling you out, I'm just curious.
  4. That is almost the same thing as the African Americans in our society today. I think what we did to the native americans is wrong and what we did to the african americans is totally immoral, but you have to realize, this occured how long ago? 100 years? Exactly. And for the african americans? 50 years ago. Shows us that we are all racist. They hate us, I get called a cracker every day at school and i hear the word "n*****" every day in the hallway to each other. I am very disappointed in this because we all are equal. Have you read the constitution lately? Exactly my point.
  5. Thank you, Mr. May... Alright, my take on the issue. Children, have you ever heard of ethnocentrism? Well I have heard ethnocentric things. Maybe Rafacosta thinks differently because he has different morals than you. Culture is a lot different. Cultural diffusion was not brought into this equation. No one came over and did this. In our country we do not purposely rape our women. It takes a crime for this to happen. Okay, in our country it is a taboo, but in Rafacosta's case it may not be. Don't get me wrong, I am against what he said, but I just wanted to point out that people have different morals in their culture. Do not disrespect ones culture, that is being racist and disrespectful towards ones self. My opinion: What the hell? Mr. Rafacosta, its not correct to rape or do anything of that sort. Women are the most vulnerable creatures on our planet. Before you go ramble off on something utterly immoral, do you realize the recovery for rape victims? Absolutely not. It is not pretty, the woman has psychology and therapy to deal with. Not cool or funny at all. End of story.
  6. Honestly, I am really sick of hearing get rid of Valentin being wanted out of here from local reporters. (IE: Phil Rodgers, Jay Mariotti). Seriously, shouldn't we all be talking about designating Willie Harris for assignment or at least bringing him to AAA. He's a career AAAA player at best, I'd have to say. Feel free to argue with me, but stats prove that a Jose Valentin, Juan Uribe choose to show that a combo with Harris and Valentin sucks. Now obviously what I want is not going to happen, but, still that being addressed, it brings up a good point of stats in order to win. Now next year, with Valentin likely to retire/depart, would you rather have good old Dransfeldt (SP? sorry) with Uribe or Harris and Uribe. Just think for a moment about this. Thanks! Can't wait to see your opinions! Ross
  7. Ya Mikes the man guys, he knows his s*** about baseball, I met him on opening day. Props to Mike! Mt Dew to that
  8. Um, Andrew what does Raw mean? Curious. Thanks!
  9. I usually get 20.00 to spend at a ball game from my mom. She'll ask for change, so its not so bad. I usually get a hot dog, 2-3 mt. dews and nachos...so my total is usually around 16.00 or something like that, but sometimes I treat my mom and dad to their beers. I actually know two beer vendors, bf/gf and both are quite wealthy...both are accountants in the offseason as well. Does not mean that all vendors are living beer to beer.
  10. Depends on how many beers I buy and how nice the vendor is.
  11. It is for local only. We have to learn to live with it. I get WCIU so its not a problem, but usually the blackout rule is in affect. Besides, sometimes its nice to listen to Rooney and Farmer.
  12. If you want to meet me for either the games at May 1st or 13th, pm me this way Nuke.
  13. Simple: Person over 21: Beer man! Beer Man: How many? Person over 21: 3 Ross: Here's the cash bro. Person over 21 hands it to beer man Ross gets change We watch the game. No problem.
  14. Why do you have to be so mean? Seriously, does anyone have tix to go to those games? Over 18, you get a free beer, lol. And if you are under 18, how about a nice cold Mountain Dew.
  15. You know; last nights loss to me was not a loss. It was a growing pain. The team showed passion in what they did do and pains in what they failed to do. Simple as it was, those games are lost, as CHAMPION Teams unite.
  16. Did he just say Go Bluejays? Nevertheless, I'm very happy in our efforts today. I knew something had to give, and we all should be very proud of these guys. We surely could have won last night too. I am very happy for these guys right now. Proud of them as well. Sox!
  17. My bad...i used the same title, sir....mods you can merge this thread if need be, but it may be more confusing that way.
  18. I was wondering if anyone wanted to meet in the fan deck in center field. I met Cerbaho-WG last time and it was a great time, I think. I'll buy a few certain posters a beer as well...May 13th maybe I could drag Quickman out too if anyone will be there to meet. Just curious, thanks!
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