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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. But I'm 15...were teens, its different Mr. Cheat.
  2. not sure, The genius one knows...(Heads)
  3. The Beast


    I'm gonna have to be GodlyNomah or something... whitesoxfan56789: if the sox trade maggs and we keep nomar make your name BeastlyNomah5 like chisoxfn told you
  4. Well since the ring is TOO out of line...heres my plan I get mistle toe, hang it over, kiss her, give her her gifts [rose (tell me how many and some Victoria's Secret Love Spell Perfume)...please help me out, tell me if this is good, especially you, ladies]
  5. Dang it. That sucks if we don't get Nomar...forget the deal...its stupid
  6. We trade Maggs...prospects We get: Nomar, Perez, Miller, Mota, and Williamson
  7. Unfortunatly, 80 % of our teens at school don't wait. I know three Juniors who have daughters.
  8. Its a nice 21 degree weather day here in Downers Grove...
  9. The Beast

    Soxtalk Server

    Maybe thats why I couldn't access it in the school library at 11:50 something
  10. In addition to his cannon, think of his poor 35 year old hammies.
  11. Scenario 3: Maggs, Koch, Konerko, Valentin for Nomar, Perez, Mota, Miller...
  12. JOHN Valentin has been out of baseball for a long while...
  13. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/news/mlb...t=.jsp&c_id=mlb Or at least last year...
  14. Why the f*** would u circumsize urself? jw...randomness
  15. I just thought of this. How did we get the money for Colon when we can't take on our payroll.
  16. Quickman aren't you supposed to be at work? I'm in my recource time so you can't tell my dad I'm cutting class.
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