Man, ever since Phil Simonson and Lou Connelis left "The Huge Show" and afternoon thunder took its place with Facts, Jerk off and Harryface its been cub fan hell.
I read it, though I did not reply. Hopefully we can attend some of those games, but you may have to excuse me for eating a lot, because my appetite is huge...ask my father about it.
Actually my last post is the person I was talking about. Jimmy Aguirre. He's the fatass prep. His GF is fat too. Now also, Ryan May was not the kid I was talking about.
Does he really suck so bad? I mean last year he was apparently the worst pitcher. Look, I know he used the arm excuse, but can he be an affective member of the bullpen???
Okay, I wasn't "trolling" from the board. Its not a bad name on a bad board for us. Seriously I want opinions from deals that other teams have with us...