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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. The Beast

    Write a review

    Too Lazy, maybe when I'm less depressed.
  2. I want Colon back here next year. Thats my Christmas present.
  3. Orlando Cabrera, and some of the nimrods here say we trade with Montreal to get him.
  4. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/fantasy/...agent/index.jsp
  5. I am a freshman and Cubssuck1 is a freshman and people call me Ross or RossMeister.
  6. Jimmy Aguirre 57 appx. 300 lbs...shes a little thing and skinny and fine... Andrew would you like to tell the good gentleman some of these stories??? My lips are sealed. these are very inimate stories I know of her and jimmy sexual stories...yes two freshman having sex before hs...eh..
  7. What if my beastlyness is exposed on ur ass for being stupid, young Andrew?
  8. Dear Jen, well, most definitely some of those crazy threads; tenns which would you prefer, showering, how i like to masturbate... at school I don't see him much but one time at a game I was like Hey Ross, and I just flicked him off Cubssuck u look like a pelican some times with that beak of urs with that nose...scary man u got the carl saks nose growing... yeah i remember that i didn't fight u because i wanted to start on football the next day
  9. nope, though it would be pretty funny, just walkin around sayin OHH THATS BEASTLY. i belive hes told me to be good a few times though I do joke and say I'm SO MMM BEASTLY sometimes but rarely...I got a sox jersey the other that says Beastly Ordonez Well, when i see you in the halls or at games or whatever, you like to say: 'hey... CUBSSUCK, i am... BEASTLY ORDONEZ' or something like that I just said that to get to no u...I mean the Hey Cubssuck1 thing is to annoy you...got it andrew marciniak? Its kind of funny how u say it, I'm not sure if ur sayin it as a joke or ur actually serious It's usually a joke.
  10. Shut up, ask the posters here....like heather, steff, spiff, fanof14, chisoxfn, soxheads...
  11. nope, though it would be pretty funny, just walkin around sayin OHH THATS BEASTLY. i belive hes told me to be good a few times though I do joke and say I'm SO MMM BEASTLY sometimes but rarely...I got a sox jersey the other that says Beastly Ordonez Well, when i see you in the halls or at games or whatever, you like to say: 'hey... CUBSSUCK, i am... BEASTLY ORDONEZ' or something like that I just said that to get to no u...I mean the Hey Cubssuck1 thing is to annoy you...got it andrew marciniak?
  12. nope, though it would be pretty funny, just walkin around sayin OHH THATS BEASTLY. i belive hes told me to be good a few times though I do joke and say I'm SO MMM BEASTLY sometimes but rarely...I got a sox jersey the other that says Beastly Ordonez
  13. Jimmy Aguirre 57 appx. 300 lbs...shes a little thing and skinny and fine... Andrew would you like to tell the good gentleman some of these stories???
  14. Shes got someone already...besides, I don't wanna do anything with her because of her and Jimmy Aguirre...eh...he got everything from her
  15. Can girls walk around with things on their nipples and no shirt around school...whoa(fantasies galore)
  16. The Beast

    What is your

    I was mearly asking what your race was...
  17. Alvarez, Wilson Anderson, Brian Appier, Kevin Ashby, Andy Astacio, Pedro *Bacsik, Mike Batista, Miguel Bere, Jason Burba, Dave Burkett, John Colon, Bartolo D'Amico, Jeff Erickson, Scott Estes, Shawn Helling, Rick Hentgen, Pat Hermanson, Hitchcock, Sterling Jimenez, Jose *Keisler, Randy Lidle, Cory Lima, Jose Maddux, Greg Millwood, Kevin Moehler, Brian Nelson, Jeff Oliver, Darren Person, Robert Ponson, Sidney *Quevedo, Ruben Reed, Rick Reynolds, Shane Ritchie, Todd Rogers, Kenny Rusch, Glendon Stephenson, Garrett Suppan, Jeff Thomson, John Tollberg, Brian Tomko, Brett Valdes, Ismael Van Poppel, Todd *-Six Year FA
  18. The Beast


    I think it would be wise to offer a contract to Steve Kline. But thats just me.
  19. 10,000 belly dancers for Killa.
  20. Please come into the chat...IM me at dgsmustangboy79
  21. Got 4 posters in the chat...come on in and IM me...dgsmustangboy79
  22. The Beast


    I was going to hold a chat room for the press conference if anyone wanted to come...IM me on AIM at dgsmustangboy79
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