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The Beast

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  1. http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...t=.jsp&c_id=cha
  2. The Beast

    NBA Live 2004

  3. The Beast

    NBA Live 2004

    I beg to differ. My lineup is more BEASTLY James O'Neill Rose Walker Chandler
  4. Free Agents Sosa Story Marlins New Name??? Manny Ramirez
  5. Stupid jaggoffs... Abo check ur messages
  6. Careful, she may take it the wrong way... Evidently I learned my lesson by putting roses in women's lockers I sent a love note too... then I got kicked in the ball sack and got beaten by her bf... I've consulted her best friend on style and I'm gonna talk to her mom about appropriateness.... she sent that in a letter to me today. she's not going to take it the wrong way. and beastly...I AM her boyfriend. Good. My penis hurt after get kicked in the balls...eh...plus I got a good lick to the head on a punch by her bf...
  7. Careful, she may take it the wrong way... Evidently I learned my lesson by putting roses in women's lockers I sent a love note too... then I got kicked in the ball sack and got beaten by her bf...
  8. For once can there be women without hands over their gods?
  9. Happy B-day My gift to you Barney "Buy me a beer, two bucks a glass. Come on, help me I'm freezing my ass. Buy me brandy, a snifter of whine, who am I kidding I'll drink turpentine." Moe "Move it ya drunk, or I'll blast your rear end." Barney "I found 2.00!" Moe "Then come in my friend." "Can I be a booze hound?" "Not til your 15." except for you, not til ur 21, which u are today!
  10. Ouch that sucks...I no the Cubbies did that with Deshields and the Orioles with Batista...but their contracts weren't like mega big
  11. I just know it rarely happens...didn't the Tigers pour a s*** load of money in higginson and do that and he got pulled back?
  12. Heres my equation His weight (270 lbs+the amount of food he buys-the english he knows=his salary)
  13. Okay I don't get it. When you waive a big vet with huge money left on the contract on waivers, how much money accumulated does the team owe? What is the percentage or Mathematic Equation of deferral goes out....in the wake of Manny Ramirez for example...
  14. i didnt get into the session last year and i still got everyones sig thanks in part to the big party Last year was the first time all of the players showed up for that. It will be interesting if they all do again, because of all of the people asking for autographs. Yea, after the first 20 mins they had the security around there table and you couldnt get anywhere near them, the trick was to catch em on there way out Guys I know of a back entrance where I snuck in...if anyone is interested
  15. Yeah shes definatly "Doable".
  16. Sources say that if Cito Gaston is hired that he will bring Paul Molitor
  17. Cannot blame a man for asking...
  18. lmfao...I just got the thing to work and I rolled on the floor for about 10 minutes laughing my ass off.
  19. Well I have nothing against Clu...but HSC and BMR had something against me...so yeah...anyway gentleman...what is the meaning of bringing back threads?
  20. Maybe its just me but with this cold weather I am getting to overly excited for SoxFest '04...what days are you going? I am going Friday and Saturday...
  21. When she's shaking and wanting u more
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