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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Okay, so this is off topic but Paniagua’s name prompted some research. There was a game the Sox played against the Cardinals where a Sox pitcher came in relief and pitched. Then he was taken out of the game after the inning because there were threats against him. Does this ring a bell with anyone? It happened in the 00s but I can’t find the name. My song to enter from the bullpen? Has to be “Enter Sandman.” Up to the plate? “For Those About to Rock.”
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/20/podcasts/the-daily/coronavirus-how-long-lockdowns.html I heard this interview today. It’s relatively short and was interesting, if not depressing if true.
  3. Not a lot of people are wearing masks to stores either. And I heard that some people think 5G is causing the Coronavirus. Oh brother. Complete rubbish: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/52168096https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/52168096
  4. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-coronavirus-protesters-trump-20200417-7oad7qhicrc53eywjaclwdsaoq-story.html I didn’t realize there were more groups than just the small protest in Michigan. Interesting how the protests aren’t just in battleground states too.
  5. That article of extremely well done and covers a number of angles. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Here is the ad I referenced before.
  7. Can you give me a recap of what I missed? I heard something about how he ripped Pelosi, said something about China and shared a propaganda video. Are the governors of the coasts forming coalitions to re-open when they want to instead of when he says to?
  8. His actions or lack of action needs to get amplified as the General Election approaches. Evidently there is an ad being run in several states about how his administration’s lack of action allowed cases to climb.
  9. I made one out of a bandana and two of my wife’s hair bands. That seems to work just fine. I wear it out to the stores but I don’t wear it when I go run outside though.
  10. If you are both journalists, I would love to read some of each of your work. Journalism was a profession I considered but got scared off of because my school wasn’t prestigious enough and I was scared of job outlook and salary. That being said, I have thought of writing again and I do love volunteering for political campaigns. Does anyone else work in media or for political organizations?
  11. Bingo. The two Fox News heads at my small office spew the crap they heard from their favorite Fox News personalities and if I hear a claim from one of them, I ask where they got that from. They look at me oddly and say Fox or they say, “I don’t know where I read it.” So it is, “I don’t agree with what you are saying, so it’s fake.” I read and watch CNN, listen to NPR, Pod Save America, listen to C-Span when there is something going on in the courts or on the house or senate floors, read the Bulwark, National Review, the Chicago Tribune, Fox News, listen to the Chicago Way and the Pulpit (a podcast with a former legislator and mayor of Downers Grove). So I’d like to think I get varied news and can say I think from a more moderate perspective.
  12. I felt that way the other day, so I went for a run. I’m going for a long run after work since my wife and I ordered groceries and I have the time. Maybe try going for a walk or run?
  13. It is also a cable news channel running 24/7. He is a content machine and they can’t leave him alone. If they left him alone, he would hate not having attention!
  14. https://thebulwark.com/warnings-ignored-a-timeline-of-trumps-covid-19-response/ Fascinating.
  15. Of course Trump and his supporters will focus on Biden’s health, but Trump isn’t much better, especially if he keeps eating cheeseburgers (angry fat ass). My theory is that Biden wins and turns over the term to the VP during the first half of the term. Warren’s age would not help her with that theory and I would think Trump will just discredit her on the trail. But like you said, his voters will come hell or high water. Harris or Abrams make some sense to me, but I am concerned that if Sanders’ supporters (which includes young people, Hispanics and progressive) don’t get someone progressive in there as VP, they will sit at home. That is why Warren or Harris could make sense. Klobuchar makes sense for the Midwest, but I think the VP will be a woman who is a minority. I’m not familiar with the governor of NM or the senator from NV but I read about them today. They have to win MI and PA to have a shot at this thing. If they get one or two of WI, OH, FL or AZ they could roast him. We will see who he decides on but I hope it is someone younger that can draw from the electorate he needs to win.
  16. I live Woodridge and will ask around. I’d love to volunteer my time in addition to money, especially when this is all over. I’m looking for something rewarding to do, so if you feel it is rewarding, I’ll give it a try. I’ve always wanted to help people in some way.
  17. I have no issue for releasing non violent offenders when they meet conditions given by courts and parole officers. What would be the argument against nonviolent offenders being let out? Wow, thank you for sharing. That is a real wonderful thing you’re doing in between consulting gigs and I would love to do something like that since it sounds like it is rewarding. I’m still debating what to do with my stimulus check and at the end of May I should have more free time so I would love to volunteer. How can I or we be helpful if we want to donate our time or money? Thank you for sharing. My only concern with vote by mail is tampering with the mail but I would agree with you that people wouldn’t risk the crime and also think the system in place could detect fraud. I would love to make automatic registration a reality when people are 18 and all people have to do is update their registration when they move. But the suppression tactics that are used are wrong and the crap Trump is spewing about voter ID laws is something some strategist had to have told him about. It’s garbage. What does Obama know about Biden? Who are VP candidates you think Biden will consider and why?
  18. “It’s not your stockpile, it is our stockpile and we will dole it out to our GOP Trump loving friends!” - Kushner
  19. I still think that there is value in getting into politics at the local level and volunteering either canvassing or even better, serving as an election judge. I haven’t done that yet but I have worked on campaigns on both sides of the aisles and found the work to be fascinating. I do think that an honorable profession would more likely be a health profession like nursing though. I would go back to school for that or PT if I could go back in time and do it, but I have considered down the road when the kid(s) we have are grown to helping people in some way, maybe by going back to school for something that helps others. It’s tough to find something honorable sometimes though.
  20. I would love if he tried to throw a coup to see who would be left to defend him. Who is going to be on the other side with a pitchfork, Kushner? I made a mask out of a bandana and wore it once to Home Depot. I didn’t think I needed to wash it after one use for a short amount of time. I figured it would make a difference in washing it if I went to Aldi and Mariano’s on my usual grocery trip though.
  21. If you look at the common phrases he uses in his press conference, you’re right, it is the same message and playbook over and over again.
  22. Agreed, I’m in favor of adding the public option and keeping employer based insurance primarily because of union negotiated benefits and because of the the number of people Medicare for All would put out of work.
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