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Posts posted by LittleHurtCG

  1. 2 hours ago, bmags said:

    Ekeler looked so slow last year.

    Yep. Ekeler looks like he is toast. Dude was painful to watch second half of last year. Looked like he had concrete shoes on. 

    Getting Saquon on a 2-3 year reasonable deal would be pretty awesome. Tony Pollard is a free agent as well but he is coming off a disappointing year. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, SpringfieldFan said:

    I'm a simpleton but I don't know why I should have to pay for the venue to be built and then pay again to get into it. If the thing makes money, shouldn't it pay for itself?

    The simple truth is that JR doesn't want to pay his fair share. He wants to socialize any potential losses and risk, but he sure as hell isn't gonna share any profits. 

    Also, you won't have to pay more than a few bucks to get into the stadium soon anyway. There ain't much demand for what JR is selling these days. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, TheFutureIsNear said:

    Organically as in cross our fingers and hope enough prospects develop because our cheap owner isn’t going to  sign the type of free agents necessary to take the team over the top. 

    This pretty much describes the failed rebuild strategy started by Hahn and company once Sale was traded away. 

    It didn't work last time. It won't work this time. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Nardiwashere said:

    So you're saying they originally planned to get ISFA money to help build at the racetrack but since a significant portion of the board is appointed by the Mayor of Chicago, they would not get those funds unless they stayed within the city limits?  Were they unaware of this when they purchased the Arlington site?

    Still.... if you're only moving next door and not getting new revenue streams, why bother building a new stadium at all?  Seems like a waste of time and resources. 

    The Bears will happily move into a new stadium next door if they don't have to pay for it. Both organizations want the taxpayers of Illinois to foot bearly the entire bill for constructing these new stadiums. They simply do not want to pay their fair share. 

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  5. 46 minutes ago, Flash Tizzle said:

    At some point he had to let everyone know that Fields was for sale. If not the combine, when? We already knew coming in the market for him was thin. 

    I’m fine with cutting losses and trading Fields for a 3rd rounder. In the scenario ss2k5 presented, let’s say we are now weeks into free agency and Fields is still here. Are we willing to hold out and keep him on the roster past the draft? If the answer is no, then it’s not worth the headaches to MAYBE get a 2nd round pick. 

    There is absolutley no way the Bears will keep Justin Fields past the draft. Taking Caleb Willimas at #1 and then brining back Fields would be creating so much unnecessary drama. Poles and company are losing more and more leverage with each passing day. Let's hope there is an actual bidding war going on behind the scenes for Fields, but something tells me he already would have been traded if that was the case. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Flash Tizzle said:

    I wonder if their offseason plan heavily depended on Fields bringing atleast a 2nd round pick, and now they’re scrambling a bit. We don’t know their overall plan (although we can assume Williams is the number one pick) but why do this and give up our already limited draft capital? 

    Everys single GM knows that the Bears want to trade Fields asap. It really appears like Poles showed his hand too early here. Rival GMS interested in Fields can simply wait Poles out. The asking price for Fields goes down a bit more with each passing day. 

  7. 16 hours ago, 77 Hitmen said:

    IMO, that supports the argument that JR's bluff of the team moving is just that - a bluff and they aren't moving in the first place.  It would be a different story if the Sox played in a dilapidated stadium that was simply awful like the Expos and A's.   

    Do I think the Sox franchise would be much better off with a well-designed stadium at The 78?  Absolutely.  But GRF isn't so bad such that MLB would approve a Sox move to Nashville or Charlotte.

    Plus I don't know why MLB would want to go through some convoluted scheme of letting the Sox move and pissing off 1/3 of Chicago only to put an expansion team here at the same GRF.  Why not just keep the Sox in Chicago and keep Nashville open for an expansion bid?

    Convoluted indeed. Next to zero chance something like that happens. 

    JR threatening to move the team is 100% a bluff. His threat to move worked last time. It won't work again. Time for the one trick pony to learn a new act. Or he can just be grateful that he had a seat at the table. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, Kyyle23 said:

    I think it’s gonna be way better than you expect.  There is big smoke from Atlanta and Pittsburgh 

    That would be awesome if it happens. Doesn't Atlanta have a top ten pick? That would be the steal of the century. Not sure why they wouldn't just try to trade down though... 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    I'm not bitching about the stadium, I think it's nice, and hope it's built. Just not on the taxpayer dime.

    It seems a lot of Sox fans feel the same way. Especially the ones that actually live in Chicago and Illinois and will have to face the tax implications of this for years to come. 

    Hopefully some more concrete details emerge after this Springfield meeting. I mean so far it appears that Related and JR don't want to finance a single penny of this new ballpark? That is absolutely insane if true. 

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    On the SCORE this morning Bruce Levine detailed this exceptionally well for David Haugh (as with Leila yesterday) who could not get past equating a $100M contract to this project....this while he bemoans the cubs not spending $100M+ on Bellinger.

    What is interesting and I cannot see anything legitimate as it's behind a pay wall is if Reinsdorf assumes this risk based on the franchises equity, he  is more inclined to sell the team.  Value of the team goes up to $3 to $4B with this deal and he's left with a $1B+ debt that the new owner purchases.

    Tax hit goes up as well but in the end the profit goes up.  HIs heirs can clear a $1B even after his death, thus reducing the double tax hit. 

    Then there is the land he owns by the current GR.  What becomes of that?  I think that is what the city and state want.

    I will say this, he is making Kevin Warren look really bad right now if he pulls this off. 



    I need to find this audio clip. I'm not certain I've ever heard Bruce Levine articulate anything exceptionally well. Not suprised at all to see him carrying water for JR though. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Sarava said:

    As a lifelong Sox fan who is now in my early 50's, I never in my life thought I would take this position. But if this jerk who has refused to spend the money to run a decent franchise thinks we're going to hand him another billion dollars...he can go f himself and take his damn team to Nashville or wherever he wants to go. I'm so done with Reinsdorf.

    This feels like we're all being setup for one final fu from Reinsdorf before he passes away.

    You are not alone in your thinking at all. Jerry and company are so insulated from the average Sox fans reality. I don't think they realize how much the Sox brand has taken a hit over the last few years. I have never seen the fanbase more apathetic and resigned to the fact that this organization won't be good again any time soon ( a couple of kumbaya posts on Sox Talk are not evidence to the contrary). JR has little to no leverage with the lawmakers and taxpayers right now. There will be no Back to the Future Save the Clocktower type campaign if the old geezer threathens to move the team again. 

    7 hours ago, soulfly said:

    Or, you leak a billion dollar ask, to instead go in and ask for roughly half of that.  It's all about perception. 

    This is what would happen in a normal negotiation. I'm not certain that Reinsdorf is operating in a normal capacity anymore though. Some of his moves over the last few years have been real head scratchers. I don't think he realizes how much things have changed politically since the late 1980s. Hell, he might still have some of his old contacts from Springfield in his office rolodex and was suprised to learn that they are no longer in office when he called.  

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  12. 12 minutes ago, GreenSox said:

     I said that I surmised that JR dismissed both because the FO wasn't working together, as per one traded Burger without the other's knowledge, consent or agreement.  It had nothing to do with the merits of the trade (as I surmise it).

    I don't disagree with  your points re Burger.  But in the context of so many expiring deals to dump, and a manager  yelping about "culture" seemingly incessantly, I just thought it was strange and still do.

    It was a strange and shortsighted thing to do. I guess they thought they were selling high on Burger? Overall, a dumb trade made by a totally incompetent front office. 

  13. Good lord that rotation and end of the lineup are awful. There are at least 4-5 guys on there who are likley to be on independent league rosters this time next year.  The starting rotation desperately needs a left handed starter. Hopefully that Eder kid they got for Burger is ready soon. 

    No wonder Jerry is out there dangling the new Sox stadium idea. Nobody except a few hundred diehard Sox fans are even going to be talking about White Sox baseball come Memorial Day. 

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  14. 19 hours ago, soulfly said:

    Rick Hahn was really really really really bad at his job.

    Hahn and company never should have been allowed to do the first tank job. They were simply not capable of pulling off a total teardown and rebuild. They saw the success of the Cubs and Astros rebuilds and somehow convinced JR they could do the same. Only problem is they did not have the infrastucture nor anywhere close to the baseball smarts of those other organizations. 

    Getz is also a major reason why the Sox are in such a bad place. Hiring him to reshape this organization seems like a pipedream. 

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  15. On 2/11/2024 at 7:15 PM, DFAthewave69420 said:

    All the people on the side of “No Taxpayer Funding” who is paying for the Mayor to attend the Grammys and this genius with VIP Tix to the super bowl ?


    newsflash - better off with your “taxes” to a stadium than the government.



    Most people who are opposed to masive taxpayer funding for billionaires to build sports stadiums are also against public officials taking lavish trips on the taxpayer dime. Not too complicated really. 

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  16. 15 hours ago, bmags said:

    The CTU pension fund is not a government handout, it is the investment vehicle for all the funds the teachers pay into. Pensions invest in a variety of places including real estate, and was already being recruited to invest in the Lincoln Yards project.

    Your popcorn won't be paired with something very interesting, basically.

    I know what the CTU pension fund is as my wife payed into it for well over a decade. 

    Related Midwest is a private company though so I'm not exactly sure how the CTU would legally be allowed to invest in the new Sox stadium development? 

    The governmet handout is going to be when Jerry Reinsdorf and Stephen Ross coming ask the City and State for massive subisdies in order to get this project completed. That is when the popcorn will come out. Stephen Ross is worth over 10 billion. JR is most likely worth half of that. Let these billioniares pay for their own stadium if they want it that bad. 

    The teachers union out in Vegas is currently suing to stop public funds from going to construct a new As stadium. I will wager a hefty amount that the DSA affiliated CTU will do something similiar when JR and his cronies come asking for hundreds of millions of $$$. 


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  17. 16 minutes ago, bmags said:

    I would guess the CTU pension fund will be hit up pretty aggressively for this project.


    I'm getting my popcorn ready for when JR has to go down to City Hall and explain why the City giving him hundreds of millions of dollars is a good deal for the average Chicago resident. The CTU has Brandon Johnson in their back pocket and the people who elected BJ are not the type to favor government handouts to billioniares.

  18. 2 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    If the Sox could recreate something like the neighborhood around Yankee Stadium that would be amazing. Not so much "tail gating" as just a massive bar and vendor scene centered around the park.

    So basically Wrigleyville South? Do the Sox have that kind of cache? 

  19. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    I mean, the stadium deal hasn't actually come to fruition there right? We're literally still posting about this because they don't have agreement on a stadium deal. We've seen more of the proposed White Sox stadium for 2030 than of the Vegas stadium for 2028.

    I looked it up on the Google machine and see that the Teachers Union in Nevada is suing to block the use of taxpayer funds to help build the new As stadium. I guess John Fisher and company didn't put together a shiny enough proposal to win people over. 

  20. 6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Just based on how much of a mess this looks like, I find it hard to believe that MLB is taking an active role in managing this. Even if things got ironed out quickly we're looking at the As being basically homeless for what, 2-3 seasons? Between how bad the politics look in Nevada with this move and how good the As fanbase came out looking last year, even if this gets dealt with it looks like a huge amount of bad publicity for the league right now. Is there anyone who isn't hoping for more chaos in this just to spite the As owner?

    What's going on with the politics in Nevada? 


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