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Everything posted by WSoxShuf

  1. Buddy, I can TIVO a bunch of games and convert it to DVD and send to you if you really want me too.
  2. What is the score's purpose of putting him at this time slot?? IS the score trying to get more political or is this his last step before being he gone.
  3. thanks for the kind words everyone. I am so excited to start.
  4. I understand where you are coming from, but he is always on TV getting his stupid head rubbed.
  5. Not only does Vitale talk about only the ACC schools, but he is a prick. He is in Lawrence a few times a year and I went up to him and rubbed his head for good luck. First off, it was full of some gooey substance. He said keep your hands off me kid, so I flicked him off and told him to suck some more of Coach K's dick. Vitale is bias for his ACC schools only. Take a look at his preseaons all american team, its all ACC.
  6. haha, I have no f***in clue who his mentor was. Probably just another hilbilly kansas coach.
  7. Where did Dean Smith go to college again??? and who taught him all he knows???
  8. College Sports TV was one of my favorite channel with the dish?? HAs anyone seen this and do you have any opinions on the network??
  9. He has such conservative garbage the entire day. Also, if I have to hear anymore about bands not in the rock hall of fame, i will explode. My only radio in the house does not get FM, so not Stern till the car ride.
  10. WSoxShuf

    Bill O'Reilly

    I want to see how he "spins" this one.
  11. I am more interested in watching to view Adrian Peterson, oh and I love seeing how many yards coach Mangino takes up on the field. Last year it was a full 3
  12. is the krush the people circling the court during halftime???
  13. We went to a bowl game, and lost 80000 to 14. Thanks Philip Rivers.
  14. I got a job with a company very close to our hearts.
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