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Posts posted by JDsDirtySox

  1. QUOTE(flavum @ Mar 7, 2008 -> 03:59 PM)
    There's only one Vazquez on the team, and that's Javy.


    Carlos Vasquez was the pitcher that got lit up today.



    Sorry just caught the end of the inning on the radio... and Steve Stone must suck cause he didn't spell out the last name for me... or even give me a first.


    In all honesty... did you really have a tough time figuring out what I was asking? Just curious if the 1 letter variable sent you into a frenzy?

  2. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 07:45 PM)
    The point here is that Indiana University did not do anything wrong. They took the initiative to investigate. They didn't try to ignore what Sampson was doing. They didn't try to cover it up. THEY found that Sampson broke the rules for the 2nd time and cried foul. Considering the NCAA concluded that Sampson lied to IU, they know that IU had no knowledge of what Sampson was doing. I don't know how they could find IU to be so much in the wrong that they are going throw the book at them especially when IU took serious action. Loss of scholarships and probation. I can't imagine anything more. If Sampson is indeed fired soon like rumored, Indiana handled this situation very well. Both initiating the investigation and ending it.


    Unfortunately they made the first wrong move the day they hired Sampson.

    His Cheating ways at OU seemed to be treated as "no big deal" when he left them behind to go to Indiana.

    Now IU will have to pay the price.

    Of Course the Coach, and some of his coaching staff is the problem... but

    The President, Athletic Director, and Board of Trustees have to be held accountable here.

  3. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 03:34 PM)
    Well Sampson didn't cheat to get Gordon, I can say that. He might be the only guy Sampson DIDN'T cheat to get, but part of my biterness being at Weber over the Gordon thing is Sampson didn't cheat, he just beat Bruce to the punch, at least in that case. I had heard the McCamey stuff, but I am surprised to see it actually in the list. I feel bad for the IU fans (for the most part), but I can't feel bad for the school at all. Everybody knew Sampson's reputation, but they hired him anyways due to desperation I guess. The word that's been going on for a long time was that IU knew about this and wouldn't fire Sampson until after the season though, so I'm not surprised he hasn't gone anywhere yet. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he's fired at anytime in the next few months either.


    Calling Jeff Meyer... misinformed poster on line 1.

  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 01:53 PM)
    Read the report; no current players are listed.


    The names mentioned in the report are the following:


    Devin Ebanks’ mother Yvonne Jackson, Derek Elston, Yancey Gates (Cincinnati), Evan Turner (Ohio State), Demetri McCamey (Illinois), Markieff Morris (Kansas), Marcus Morris (Kansas), Kenny Frease (Xavier), Dejuan Blair (Pittsburgh), Bud Mackey, Phillip Jurick (Tennessee), Robbie Hummel (Purdue), Scott Martin (Purdue) and William Buford (Ohio State).


    Just like Sammy Sosa's name being left off the Mitchell Report.

    Just because the name isn't in the report doesn't mean things are squeaky clean.

    Sorry but IMO anything associated with Sampson is tainted.



  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 01:39 PM)
    I don't want anybody that has coached in the Big 12 this season (Self, McDermott, Knight); this former Big 12 coach has f***ed us over enough.




    I can't believe he's still our coach.


    I don't know if the reception tonight will be really anything noteworthy, as I guarantee people are stupid and not everyone will know of this yet.


    However, this does not bode well. Though I believe none of what Sampson has done wrong has resulted in any of the players or anything we have on our current team, anything we do in March will be tainted. However, with this cloud over our heads, we're not going to be doing anything worthwhile anyways.


    Indiana needs to fire Sampson and Greenspan ASAP; that is the only way to begin purging ourselves of this mess.


    So you don't think he made illegal phone calls to players like Gordon or Crawford?

    Only to the players who didn't come to IU?

  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 02:59 PM)
    I'm not so certain we don't win in '05 with Lee. But it's not worth debating. I'd say '06 and '07 would look better with Lee.


    If Pods isn't on the 2005 Sox... who leads off? Rowand?


    I love Carlos Lee... always have, always will.

    But I'd even trade my own brother if it meant winning a World Series.



  7. Rouse, Phillips and Eldred will all be decent players for Charlotte.



    Rouse: If I remember correctly, he had a great Spring Training for the Tribe last year, and made their Big League Team.

    Didn't stay up very long... but he was there for a bit.


    Phillips: another former Royal (yikes)


    Eldred: Major Power... but seems to have missed his chance at stardom.

  8. Aaron Rowand was on the Mike North Show this morning. He said he got an offer from the Sox 2 months ago, and never heard anything from them after that offer. Rowand waited and waited to hear from the Sox, and the silence told him all he needed to hear.

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