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baseball_gal_aly last won the day on December 23 2023

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About baseball_gal_aly

  • Birthday November 8

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  1. In limited viewing his curveball sucks. Hitters are all over it.
  2. Same. It's baffling. Honestly when Hahn got whacked I thought it couldn't get worse. It somehow has. At least the guys that Hahn traded for had some sort of talent. Getz seems to have no clue.
  3. Seriously idk why Vaughn is still here.
  4. I just tried to use my T-mobile MLBTV from my phone and I have no clue if it went through because of the glitches.
  5. Did I miss Iriarte needing TJS? When did that happen?
  6. I want some of what you're smoking. Must be some good s%*#.
  7. At least it could keep Colson in the minors where he belongs atm.
  8. Fair Enough. Murphy was an optimist lol.
  9. I will allow Thorpe to change my mind if he can be successful, but that would make him a unicorn in today's game. These are the same circular arguments we had last year. Instead of berating others as ridiculous, why don't you just acknowledge the valid concern that his fastball just isn't up to par in MLB in 2025.
  10. Today you need both. Also Thorpe was throwing 91-93 and was getting shelled. Safe to say that he didn't have the spin, movement and velocity to succeed at the MLB level. Once the book was out it was over. I am sticking to this until Thorpe proves me wrong. Soft tossers don't work in 2025, especially if they're right handed.
  11. When everyone is throwing 95+, 92 looks like a beach ball.
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