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WhiteSox2023 last won the day on February 20

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  1. Haha, Angels looking like our usual Sox defense.
  2. Nice play by Taylor. That gets over Benintendi’s head.
  3. Well, we know who I would’ve acquired last month to play a corner. Worth a try over vet bums.
  4. Dumped their hitting coach and now they are lighting it up. 🤣
  5. Apparently not a fastball right down the cock of the plate.
  6. The way to improve a terrible team with no outfield talent is to acquire young outfielders and try them out. Giving at bats to old vets may add a couple wins for this season only but does absolutely nothing for the team long-term.
  7. Was going to say — how long until Schriffen says something stupid and annoys everyone.
  8. Almost a bomb. That’s out on a normal day.
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