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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. Baseball is a young man’s game. Hopefully the Sox will also realize this one day rather than signing expired vets each and every offseason.
  2. Awful if true. They need almost an entirely new lineup.
  3. Nah, if this happened, it would solely be because Jerry is a cheapskate and wants to recoup that awful money.
  4. That would be the final F-U to Sox fans from Jerry.
  5. True, but is $49.3 million dollars more important than the good prospects they could get back for Robert and Crochet? I don’t think so. They have to hit on the return for these two guys without neutering the return. If they hit on a couple guys, that’s worth way more than $49.3 million dollars.
  6. I can’t see any team willing to take him on along with his salary. Maybe if he could play CF, but he has shown no signs of being able to hit in almost 1.5 seasons.
  7. Yep, I said as much in another thread, but with a Reinsdorf owned team, you have to deal him for prospects and hope for the boom of a prospect or two, along with the years of control.
  8. We have terrible manager that loves veterans and likes to blame young players for all his woes.
  9. He’s rejuvenated now with the time off!
  10. They definitely have trade value. The problem is that the old strategy of tanking and selling off good players is no longer as strong as it once was. The changes to the draft have weakened tanking and teams are no longer willing to give up their top prospects for the top trade deadline targets. Chances are pretty high that the prospects we get back for Crochet and Fedde aren’t ever even as good as them.
  11. We’ve said this before with both GM and managerial hires but Reinsdorf insists on meddling. That’s not going to change.
  12. Haha, I said this when Lee and another teammate disagreed with Grifol about the team being flat. It is so obvious that they are discreetly clowning Grifol to the media on the down low.
  13. This would be the game to watch. They actually have a shot based on the pitching matchup.
  14. Imagine being paid a million dollars to be the absolute worst at your job, but you still get 4 months paid before you lose your job cuz your boss is cheap.
  15. SS2K5 nailed it. It could be an early sign that the Sox scouting hasn’t improved much when it comes to position players. The Sox had their choice of Jake McCarthy or Dominic Fletcher for Mena. Barfield supposedly pushed Getz to take Fletcher.
  16. Yes, I’m weirdly obsessed. Let’s just ignore that he’s looking to set the all time ineptitude record. But keep defending him if that’s your strange prerogative.
  17. No, but Fletcher WAS Getz’s main target for RF, and that was also the much worse acquisition. ?
  18. The Sox under Jerry have made the playoffs 5 times since 1995. It’s never going to be “easy” or “easier” for this team.
  19. Hopefully, he manages to trade him for a starting position player out. Otherwise, it won’t mean much.
  20. Sure, but he’ll be traded soon by a GM who valued Fletcher and DeLoach as outfielders who could take over RF for the Sox. ??
  21. That would be superstar production for the Sox.
  22. Jesus, what did Ozzie do with all of his money to stoop to wishing people a happy birthday for $50 bucks a pop? Does he get paid peanuts for the postgame show or something?
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