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Everything posted by WhiteSox2023

  1. Agreed, but I think he would want more than $40 million through 2028 at this point and I doubt the Sox would be the willing risk takers in this situation. If the price was $40 million through 2028, the Sox should probably jump on that regardless of where they are in their rebuild. Hell, they already waste $20+ million a year in the offseason anyways so that would be a risk worth taking. But just imagine if Crochet is truly over his injury issues with how little mileage there has been on his arm, and this is truly the guy he is now? The Padres are definitely more of a team willing to take on this risk, and there’s not often a 24 year old potential lefty ace available, even on the trade market. With the questions around Crochet — injuries, potential innings limit for this year, and lack of this kind of success until this year — I wonder how much this will impact the return on him in a trade. He is truly a boom or bust type acquisition for some team. Like acquiring a much younger Carlos Rodon.
  2. I saw that he cut out of his deal with the Mariners and I was totally expecting this one. Wasn’t he one of Boston’s top prospects along with Kopech?
  3. The Sox won’t be likely to improve if they keep them either, unless we get a new owner soon that throws around money in free agency.
  4. Yeah, I wouldn’t buy it even if Kap said he had a source. If JR hasn’t fired Grifol already, why would he finally do it now? I don’t see it happening until the end of the season.
  5. If Crochet had no confidence in his ability to stay healthy until free agency and the Sox liked him enough to offer him a pretty big extension. But I doubt either side feels this way.
  6. Agreed, the ending was truly a bit disappointing but the entire series as a whole was the best show I’ve seen in awhile. It should win some sort of award or several. The cinematography was insane. Agreed. I never watched it during its original run but binged it recently on Netflix and it is one of my favorite series of all time. Netflix just announced that they are doing a Peaky Blinders film with Cillian Murphy returning…
  7. I’ve watched it and will watch the next (third) season when it comes out this fall. Good show if you like sci-fi horror. They seem to be drawing it out a bit though. At this point I just want to know what the truth is with all the crazy things happening. Agreed. The last episode was the least funny. Haha, you nailed it. I was wondering what was so weird about him being in it. It was basically modern day Patton Oswalt not even acting, just being himself.
  8. Getz will only know what to do when JR tells him.
  9. Now he’s reversing course after the flat comments and the players disagreeing with him. What a snake. He is just trying to say anything to save his job.
  10. Maybe watching this garbage team that Getz built will convince the old man that his ideal lineup of nine scrubs like David Eckstein doesn’t work. But let’s be honest, he’s probably just at the ballpark to see how many Campfire Milkshakes are being sold.
  11. Keep Kopech healthy and trade him to some unsuspecting team thinking he can actually pitch in high leverage situations just cuz he throw ball hard.
  12. You have a point, but just the fact that they intentionally made a point to disagree with what Grifol said to the media was the players basically trying to stick it to Grifol and throw him a big FU without doing it directly and losing their jobs.
  13. The Sox have already reached the pinnacle of embarrassment on their own. They don’t need help from anyone in that department.
  14. They don’t. Check out the quotes from the players disagreeing with Grifol last week about the team being flat. Players that respect their manager don’t directly disagree with them straight to the media. The players knew what they were doing.
  15. Two different records. I would say 13 losses in a row within one season is the worse record of the two.
  16. Kopech definitely appears to be a gutless choking dog in high leverage situations.
  17. Did you really care about them beating the Cubs twice at Wrigley? I guess it would’ve been nice but as mediocre as the Cubs are, they are still better than the Sox so I had already chalked these up as losses. At this point, the consecutive loss record interests me more for the shame it will put on JR and Getz.
  18. Let’s focus on the entirely new lineup that needs to be developed and acquired before we worry about relievers.
  19. I don’t remember Ebenezer taking a dirt nap after the three ghosts visited him. ?
  20. Ahhh, thanks for this info. I googled the record and saw both 15 and 13 losses as records so I was confused. I didn’t see the details about the 15 losses being across two seasons. So basically the “true” or “real” record can be set with one more loss. That 15 losses across two seasons is a bit more trivial in my opinion.
  21. I should’ve. But I know I definitely flushed it before Pedro did.
  22. Just by luck and the randomness of baseball, I would think so. But then again, how does a team lose 13 games in a row? So everything is out the window at this point.
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